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[REP+][QUICKLY PLS!]crashing all players???automatic? - Printable Version

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[REP+][QUICKLY PLS!]crashing all players???automatic? - niels44 - 14.03.2012

hey guys,
i just have discovered this bugg 10 mins ago and it happened 2 times now...
im playing with 5 other ppl in server and then all my friends get kicked? and it says they crashed? all kicked except me...

here is a screenshot:


can anyone pls help me? i just saw it happened like 6 or 7 times already now pls help QUICKLY! pls

greets niels

Re: [REP+][QUICKLY PLS!]crashing all players???automatic? - Unknownich - 14.03.2012

Is not a bug I think, this is a cheater Check this

EDIT: do you use any mods, ilegal car mods can crash other players?

Re: [REP+][QUICKLY PLS!]crashing all players???automatic? - niels44 - 14.03.2012

yes i do use mods yes... and that thingy gives me errors and warnings... any other suggestion?

Re: [REP+][QUICKLY PLS!]crashing all players???automatic? - Unknownich - 14.03.2012

I think you crashing players on your server with tuning vehicle mods or something. For example if you try to put spoiler on tractor players will crash and u will get errors.

Re: [REP+][QUICKLY PLS!]crashing all players???automatic? - niels44 - 14.03.2012

yeah that could be... but i dont have a /tunecar or wutever script... any other options? XD

Re: [REP+][QUICKLY PLS!]crashing all players???automatic? - Calgon - 14.03.2012

Invalid colours or failing to end tags in GameTexts (what your /announce command is based on) often crashes clients. Try send the /announce message again, exactly as it was before.

Re: [REP+][QUICKLY PLS!]crashing all players???automatic? - niels44 - 14.03.2012

hmm yeah we were doing /ann ~r~hey~g~guys~b~lol...
could that crash it?

Re: [REP+][QUICKLY PLS!]crashing all players???automatic? - Alexy_Dramon - 14.03.2012

Originally Posted by niels44
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hmm yeah we were doing /ann ~r~hey~g~guys~b~lol...
could that crash it?
Try Use this CMD and if it's crashing so just remove it from your GM huh

Re: [REP+][QUICKLY PLS!]crashing all players???automatic? - niels44 - 14.03.2012

well without colors its just working anyways thnx guys and REP+