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sqlite read issue - Printable Version

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sqlite read issue - boelie - 14.03.2012


I am trying to read from my database here. As you can see i tried many things XD (if you look at the // )

pawn Код:
public ReadVehicle(playerid)
    new query[256],string[128];
    new DBResult:qresult;
    new pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName));
//SELECT vehicleinfo FROM vehicleinfo WHERE username = '%s' AND slotid = %d", pname, slotid);
    //format(string,sizeof(string),"SELECT Level FROM `users` WHERE Username = '%s'", PlayerName[playerid]);
    //format(query,sizeof(query),"SELECT stat FROM `Users` WHERE `Name`= '%s'",pName);
    //format(query,sizeof(query),"SELECT Name FROM `Users` WHERE `Name`= '%s'",pName);
    //format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT Users FROM Users WHERE name = '%s'",pName);
    format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT Users FROM `Users` WHERE name = '%s'",pName);
    qresult = db_query(testdb,string);
    //if(db_num_rows(qresult) == 1)
   // {
I'm very confused now and i need help, i just want it to read the name out of the database and sends a clientmessage to confirm that it did. All it does now is sending an empty string

Thanks in advance

Re : sqlite read issue - Cyril59 - 14.03.2012

Try this:

pawn Код:
public ReadVehicle(playerid)
    new query[256],string[128];
    new DBResult:qresult;
    new pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName));
//SELECT vehicleinfo FROM vehicleinfo WHERE username = '%s' AND slotid = %d", pname, slotid);
    //format(string,sizeof(string),"SELECT Level FROM `users` WHERE Username = '%s'", PlayerName[playerid]);
    //format(query,sizeof(query),"SELECT stat FROM `Users` WHERE `Name`= '%s'",pName);
    //format(query,sizeof(query),"SELECT Name FROM `Users` WHERE `Name`= '%s'",pName);
    //format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT Users FROM Users WHERE name = '%s'",pName);
    format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT Users FROM `Users` WHERE name = '%s'",pName);
    qresult = db_query(testdb,query);
    //if(db_num_rows(qresult) == 1)
   // {

Re: sqlite read issue - boelie - 14.03.2012

Same result, ingame i see an empty message maybe its just something wrong with the string but i just dont see it.

Edit: its not the string thats wrong it just doesnt do anything between this;

pawn Код:
if(db_num_rows(qresult) == 1)   //
So my guess is i mixed up something else with the database part select from where :S

Re: sqlite read issue - boelie - 16.03.2012

Still cant make it read the database any help please ?