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Ratio & Order By - on SQLite. - Printable Version

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Ratio & Order By - on SQLite. - Edvin - 13.03.2012

Hi, i want to make top 10 best admins from server. I want to make a ratio from kills, deaths, mutes, etc.

I make this:
new Float:ratio;
ratio = Float:PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Mutes ], Float:PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Warns ], Float:PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Jails ], Float:etc...;

format( Query, sizeof( Query ), "UPDATE `Administration` SET `Ratio` = '%f' WHERE `Name` = '%s'", ratio, PlayerName( playerid ) );
db_Query( Database, Query );
I have somethink like that in my gamemode, but when i press /top command, it don't order from ratio, ...

Or how can i Order more rows from a SQLite database?

Re: Ratio & Order By - on SQLite. - Richie© - 13.03.2012