[BUG] Climbing while cuffed -
Gforcez - 13.03.2012
When your cuffed with the new
SPECIAL_ACTION_CUFFED you can still climb on objects..
I Hope this will be fixed in the next RC
AW: [BUG] Climbing while cuffed -
BigETI - 13.03.2012
Actually it looks funny if you climb walls or hit something.
Re: [BUG] Climbing while cuffed -
Kyle - 13.03.2012
I already reported this by making a thread with a video. Admin removed it. -,-
Re: [BUG] Climbing while cuffed -
MP2 - 13.03.2012
Yeah you shouldn't be able to. Can you enter vehicles while cuffed? You shouldn't be able to. Allow passenger though.
Re: [BUG] Climbing while cuffed -
SimonItaly - 13.03.2012
Originally Posted by MP2
Can you enter vehicles while cuffed? You shouldn't be able to. Allow passenger though.
Scriptable with OnPlayerEnterVehicle, but a native implementation as some other special actions would be better.
Re: [BUG] Climbing while cuffed -
niyaz - 13.03.2012
And when your cuffed you shouldn't be able to shoot through passenger seat
AW: Re: [BUG] Climbing while cuffed -
olaf137 - 13.03.2012
Originally Posted by niyaz
And when your cuffed you shouldn't be able to shoot through passenger seat
You can script this. Just check if the player is cuffed and then set his weapon to 0:
SetPlayerArmedWeapon(playerid, 0);
Re: [BUG] Climbing while cuffed -
Gforcez - 13.03.2012
Originally Posted by MP2
Can you enter vehicles while cuffed?
You can't enter Vehicles while cuffed.
Re: [BUG] Climbing while cuffed -
Laronic - 13.03.2012
Originally Posted by Gforcez
You can't enter Vehicles while cuffed.
Not as driver, but as passenger
Re: [BUG] Climbing while cuffed -
MP2 - 13.03.2012
That's how it should be. How else would criminals enter the back of cop cars?
Re: [BUG] Climbing while cuffed -
IceCube! - 13.03.2012
Originally Posted by Kalcor
It's an animation for the handcuffs but it's not finished yet.
Re: [BUG] Climbing while cuffed -
MP2 - 13.03.2012
Is that directed at me?
Re: [BUG] Climbing while cuffed -
IceCube! - 13.03.2012
No sorry if it seemed like it, It was at the OP. I think tis ment to be like you said as you havnt exactly cuffed their feet
, Although if he thinks differnt thats the reason why.
Re: [BUG] Climbing while cuffed -
Scott - 14.03.2012
If you want to prevent this you can use GetPlayerAnimationIndex in OnPlayerUpdate
Re: [BUG] Climbing while cuffed -
eesh - 14.03.2012
How did you guys know SPECIAL_ACTION_CUFF existed? Its not mentioned in the Update topic o.O
Re: [BUG] Climbing while cuffed -
Kar - 14.03.2012
Originally Posted by eesh
How did you guys know SPECIAL_ACTION_CUFF existed? Its not mentioned in the Update topic o.O
we read the includes for new defines, callbacks, functions etc.
Re: [BUG] Climbing while cuffed -
Celson - 14.03.2012
Originally Posted by eesh
How did you guys know SPECIAL_ACTION_CUFF existed? Its not mentioned in the Update topic o.O
It's on the wiki. So is EditObject which is not mentioned either.
Re: [BUG] Climbing while cuffed -
steki. - 14.03.2012
It should be scriptable with anims. You have to understand that Kye wants the mod to be more fast as possible and more "SA" as possilble.
That means He already gave you the function, now it's your turn to script it!