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ID for transparent unbreakable glass? + REP - Printable Version

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ID for transparent unbreakable glass? + REP - Andre_Johnson - 12.03.2012

I know there have been several topics in regard to the ID of a one-sided (the other transparent) unbreakable glass; however, none of those who inquired about this object got an ID. I'm currently using MTA: San Andreas 1.1 and I've been looking almost everywhere for this object.

Also, if there isn't a one-sided unbreakable glass, anything else that's transparent and unbreakable would be wonderful, such as a wall. I'm currently constructing an interior and already chose the windows for the building. The windows are complete, however you're able to walk through them. I need something transparent and unbreakable to make these windows solid.

Thanks guys!

Re: ID for transparent unbreakable glass? + REP - new121 - 13.03.2012

Wouldn't the mta forums be a better place to ask this?

Re: ID for transparent unbreakable glass? + REP - Andre_Johnson - 13.03.2012

Originally Posted by new121
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Wouldn't the mta forums be a better place to ask this?
As far as I know, the object IDs and object names are the same, aren't they?

I would've appreciated a more helpful post, but thanks for posting anyway.

Re: ID for transparent unbreakable glass? + REP - new121 - 14.03.2012

Originally Posted by Andre_Johnson
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As far as I know, the object IDs and object names are the same, aren't they?

I would've appreciated a more helpful post, but thanks for posting anyway.
I don't map I just figured the MTA Forums would be the place people where people would know what you need.