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Problem with the clock time - Printable Version

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Problem with the clock time - jw_peeters - 11.03.2012

Hey guys,
I've a problem with my clock time®. It counts wrong and i don't really know how to change it.
The clock counts like this: ....57 58 59 60 0 1.
And it should be: ....57 58 59 0 1.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Problem with the clock time - jw_peeters - 11.03.2012


Re: Problem with the clock time - Scrillex - 11.03.2012

Show the code.. We can't see a thing if there isn't nothing to see.. No one will not re do it...

Re: Problem with the clock time - jw_peeters - 11.03.2012

Well, that's part of my problem,
I don't know where or what the code is.
So if anyone knows the code to change clocktime,
can you please send it?

Re: Problem with the clock time - Scrillex - 11.03.2012 look here maybe this will help ya out