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Looking for a solution to a problem. - Printable Version

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Looking for a solution to a problem. - AustinJ - 10.03.2012

Looking for somebody that could help me via team viewer with my problem I have. When I go over a checkpoint nothing happens when there should be something happening.

The reason why I would prefer team viewer for this is that it is most likely easier to understand if you were just to see the script.

Please PM me if you are interested in helping. I have teamspeak also If that is wanted during the teamviewer session.

I'll give Reputation to the person who helps me. Also

Re: Looking for a solution to a problem. - Faisal_khan - 10.03.2012

I will try to help u.

Re: Looking for a solution to a problem. - AustinJ - 10.03.2012

The person above was unable to help me, so I am gonna post portions of the code on here to see if somebody can troubleshoot the issue.

Variables/Arrays Used
#define PMAX 100

new Player_ClassD[PMAX];

new Float:ClassD_Cords[32][3] = {
The command used to start the test. Works fine.
if(Compare(command, "/test"))
	if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == 2)
		new i = GetVehicleID(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid));
		if(i != -1)
			if(Vehicle_Type[i] == 4)
				if(Compare(Vehicle_Owner[i], "4"))
					if(Player_ClassD[playerid] == 32)
						SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You already have your Class D License.");
					else if(Player_ClassD[playerid] >= 0)
						SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Class D test already in progress.");
						SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, ClassD_Cords[0][0], ClassD_Cords[0][1], ClassD_Cords[0][1], 5);
						SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Class D Test Started.");
						Player_ClassD[playerid] = 0;
	return 1;
public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid)
	if(Player_ClassD[playerid] >= 0 && Player_ClassD[playerid] < 32)
	    SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, ClassD_Cords[Player_ClassD[playerid]][0], ClassD_Cords[Player_ClassD[playerid]][1], ClassD_Cords[Player_ClassD[playerid]][2], 5);

Re: Looking for a solution to a problem. - AustinJ - 10.03.2012

The error is one in which the compiler won't pick up but will make everything in that the OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint callback not execute. I have disable everything else with that callback and that didn't do anything so I would assume that everything else wouldn't affect that. I think the problem may lay within the reading of the array to create the new checkpoint that causes that callback not to execute.

Re: Looking for a solution to a problem. - AustinJ - 10.03.2012
