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Need some help!! - Printable Version

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Need some help!! - darkvsoul36 - 07.03.2012

I have a sa-mp server script. I have only one problem with it, when I open it up for editing I can't re-compile it. I don't even change anything and I get the error message.
It is:

I don't know how to fix this. Can someone please help me?
P.S. Sorry about covering up the name of my computer and account, safety reasons.

Re: Need some help!! - Mike_Peterson - 07.03.2012

UrSampServer/pawno/include/ is it there? yes? explain more, no? remove #include <utils> on top of ur script, much errors? put it back, and search for a download for and put it in pawno/include/

Re: Need some help!! - darkvsoul36 - 07.03.2012

My is in my sampserver/pawno/include/ I downloaded a new one and it still has the error.

Re: Need some help!! - Mike_Peterson - 07.03.2012

Make sure its named '' and try to go to sampserver/pawno/pawno.exe, open it, open ur script from there, and then compile, I have like 4 different pawn installations too, make sure the includes are in the pawn editor u currently use.

Re: Need some help!! - darkvsoul36 - 07.03.2012

That worked! I was using a pawno.exe from another sa-mp server, which didn't have in the includes folder. Silly error on my part, but thank you so much! You really helped me! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!