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Problem with locked skins... + rep! - Printable Version

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Problem with locked skins... + rep! - Scrillex - 07.03.2012

public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
     		case 1:
       			if(strval(inputtext) == 1337)
           			SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"Correct Password. Skin taken.");
           			SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY,"Invalid Password !");
				   	return 1;
public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid)
        if(classid == 4 || classid == 5)
   		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Skin","This skin requers a password !\nType down the correct password to choose it!","OK","Cancel");
When I enter right password it gives me Server closed connection! And player is still ijn server and playable only doesn't show in tab.. Please help me out..

Re: Problem with locked skins... + rep! - Tom1412 - 07.03.2012

have you tryed just the logging in with just spawn and skin 0?

Cos you might be over complicating the script which will cause it to crash

Re: Problem with locked skins... + rep! - Scrillex - 07.03.2012

with it is all ok I can spawn with normal classes ... Bud when I use passed skin it's says server close connection.

Re: Problem with locked skins... + rep! - Konstantinos - 07.03.2012

There is a bug with SpawnPlayer(playerid);
Use SetSpawnInfo before
pawn Код:
SetSpawnInfo( playerid, 0, 0, 1958.33, 1343.12, 15.36, 269.15, 26, 36, 28, 150, 0, 0 );
SpawnPlayer( playerid );

Re: Problem with locked skins... + rep! - Twisted_Insane - 07.03.2012

Simply set the spawninfo before spawning the player, since there's a bug with it in 0.3d:

pawn Код:
SetSpawnInfo( playerid, 0, 0, 1958.33, 1343.12, 15.36, 269.15, 26, 36, 28, 150, 0, 0 );

Re: Problem with locked skins... + rep! - Scrillex - 07.03.2012

OMG thanks mate )) Gived you + rep