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[BUG] You don't lose HP when you fall ontop of a car. - Printable Version

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[BUG] You don't lose HP when you fall ontop of a car. - -Prodigy- - 05.03.2012

^ Everything in the title.

Re: [BUG] You don't lose HP when you fall ontop of a car. - IceCube! - 05.03.2012

Just tryed this... I died. nuff said.

Re: [BUG] You don't lose HP when you fall ontop of a car. - -Prodigy- - 05.03.2012


Yeah right.

Re: [BUG] You don't lose HP when you fall ontop of a car. - Kiets - 05.03.2012

You don't lose health when you fall on your own vehicle, i mean which you are in. This really should be fixed.

Re: [BUG] You don't lose HP when you fall ontop of a car. - IceCube! - 05.03.2012

Thats an awsome bug . However it doesnt work for me, If its a bug i'm sure people will support this post.

AW: [BUG] You don't lose HP when you fall ontop of a car. - Drebin - 06.03.2012

Confirmed by me.

Re: [BUG] You don't lose HP when you fall ontop of a car. - suhrab_mujeeb - 06.03.2012

I think it is a general GTA:SA bug.

Re: [BUG] You don't lose HP when you fall ontop of a car. - Elorreli - 06.03.2012


You don't lose health when you fall on your own vehicle, i mean which you are in. This really should be fixed.

How can you fall on a vehicle that you're in..?

Re: [BUG] You don't lose HP when you fall ontop of a car. - Kiets - 06.03.2012

Originally Posted by Elorreli
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How can you fall on a vehicle that you're in..?
For example, there is a godmoder and he is in vehicle, you have a command like /slap or something like that, you use that command. Player fall down on his own vehicle and no lost health.

Re: [BUG] You don't lose HP when you fall ontop of a car. - Elorreli - 06.03.2012

Originally Posted by Kiets
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For example, there is a godmoder and he is in vehicle, you have a command like /slap or something like that, you use that command. Player fall down on his own vehicle and no lost health.
He's no longer in the vehicle if he gets slapped.