how to put my server online? -
STONEGOLD - 03.03.2012
whene i start the server and i give my friend <my_ip:7777 he dont found any thing
server its not work online
can some one tell me how can i make my server online
and thanks
and my picture:
but my server cant working online
Re: how to put my server online? -
park4bmx - 03.03.2012
Picture 9 you are using your LAN IP addres!
you need your public IP addres with the port!
THIS could help u out
shows u all the info + public IP adrress.
Re: how to put my server online? -
STONEGOLD - 03.03.2012
how i find public ip
Re: how to put my server online? -
BriskServers - 03.03.2012
1st: Samp_server.exe must be open to run a SAMP server.
2nd: That will tell you your public IP
3rd: In your server config under Port: 7777 Add; IP: "yourip" | "yourip" = Your External IP
Also what is the IP you are giving your friend?
Re: how to put my server online? -
s0cket - 04.03.2012
About DMZ..It disables the router firewall for an internal IP that you specify( in your case), so all the ports will be opened/forwarded on that machine.
Re: how to put my server online? - Guest9328472398472 - 04.03.2012
Go to to get your
external IP which is the IP people will use to connect to your server.
Re: how to put my server online? -
STONEGOLD - 04.03.2012
i put my external ip on tp-link but error The IP address is not in the same subnet with the LAN!
Re: how to put my server online? -
Fantastic - 04.03.2012
And untill the server isnt hosted,When you leave the server,It will go offline.
Re: how to put my server online? -
STONEGOLD - 04.03.2012
echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password 123
maxplayers 32
port 7777
Add; IP: "yourip" | "yourip" =
hostname Knight Cops And Robbers
gamemode0 grandlarc 1
filterscripts baseaf gl_actions gl_property gl_realtime gl_mapicon ls_elevator
announce 1
query 1
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 0
logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]
Re: how to put my server online? -
park4bmx - 04.03.2012
The "Add; IP"
In the server cfg is not really necessary.
The port must be open from your router(which u have done)
There is no need to add the port to the Windows Firewall becouse when u launch it it will ask u to allow accsess.
Also what's the rang of your DNHS on the router ?
And the "Remote port" you asked for is the port that allowed your computer to be remote controlled by other machines(Mac/Windows)