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Run Time Error 19: File or function is not found. - Printable Version

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Run Time Error 19: File or function is not found. - TheLazySloth - 29.02.2012

Why doesn't this work?
	strcat(Query, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Server(");
	strcat(Query, "Name VARCHAR(100), Mode VARCHAR(100), Map VARCHAR(100), Website VARCHAR(100), Year INT(20), ");
	strcat(Query, "Month INT(20), MonthName VARCHAR(100), Day INT(20), GMTOffset INT(20), Hour INT(20), ");
	strcat(Query, "Minute INT(20), Second INT(20), TimeUS VARCHAR(100), TimeEU VARCHAR(100), Date VARCHAR(100), ");
	strcat(Query, "Weather INT(20), AccountsPeak INT(20), AccountsConnected INT(20), TotalAccounts INT(20), ");
	strcat(Query, "VehiclesConnected INT(20), TotalVehicles INT(20))");
	strdel(Query, 0, 1000);
	strcat(Query, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Accounts(");
	strcat(Query, "IP VARCHAR(100), Ping INT(20), Name VARCHAR(100), Password VARCHAR(100), Registered INT(20), ");
	strcat(Query, "RegisteredDate VARCHAR(100), RegisteredTimeUS VARCHAR(100), RegisteredTimeEU VARCHAR(100), ");
	strcat(Query, "LoggedIn INT(20), LastLoginDate VARCHAR(100), LastLoginTimeUS VARCHAR(100), ");
	strcat(Query, "LastLoginTimeEU VARCHAR(100), Tutorial INT(20), SpawnWorld INT(20), SpawnInterior INT(20), ");
	strcat(Query, "SpawnX FLOAT(20), SpawnY FLOAT(20), SpawnZ FLOAT(20), SpawnA FLOAT(20), PosWorld INT(20), ");
	strcat(Query, "PosInterior INT(20), PosX FLOAT(20), PosY FLOAT(20), PosZ FLOAT(20), PosA FLOAT(20), ");
	strcat(Query, "Armour FLOAT(20), Health FLOAT(20), Skin INT(20), Money INT(20), Spectating INT(20), ");
	strcat(Query, "Frozen INT(20), AdminLevel INT(20), AdminRank VARCHAR(100))");
	strdel(Query, 0, 1000);
	strcat(Query, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Vehicles(");
	strcat(Query, "ID INT(20), Spawned INT(20), GameID INT(20), Model INT(20), SpawnWorld INT(20), ");
	strcat(Query, "SpawnInterior INT(20), SpawnX Float(20), SpawnY Float(20), SpawnZ Float(20), SpawnA Float(20), ");
	strcat(Query, "PosWorld INT(20), PosInterior INT(20), PosX Float(20), PosY Float(20), PosZ Float(20), ");
	strcat(Query, "PosA Float(20), Color1 INT(20), Color2 INT(20), PaintJob INT(20), Mod0 INT(20), Mod1 INT(20), ");
	strcat(Query, "Mod2 INT(20), Mod3 INT(20), Mod4 INT(20), Mod5 INT(20), Mod6 INT(20), Mod7 INT(20), ");
	strcat(Query, "Mod8 INT(20), Mod9 INT(20), Mod10 INT(20), Mod11 INT(20), Mod12 INT(20), Mod13 INT(20), ");
	strcat(Query, "Locked INT(20), Engine INT(20), Lights INT(20), Alarm INT(20), Doors INT(20), Hood INT(20), ");
	strcat(Query, "Trunk INT(20), Health FLOAT(20), DamagePanels INT(20), DamageDoors INT(20), ");
	strcat(Query, "DamageLights INT(20), DamageTires INT(20), License VARCHAR(100), SpeedMPH INT(20), ");
	strcat(Query, "SpeedKMPH INT(20))");
When I added this code to the gamemode it displayed the error "Run Time Error 19: File or function is not found." in the server console.
Why isn't this working?

The string sizes are all under 800.
When I comment out all three of the mysql_query(Query); like //mysql_query(Query); the rest of the script loads just fine.

Re: Run Time Error 19: File or function is not found. - Ahrim - 29.02.2012

show us the server log, server.cfg

Re: Run Time Error 19: File or function is not found. - TheLazySloth - 29.02.2012

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3d-R2, ©2005-2011 SA-MP Team

[20:06:07] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[20:06:07] Server Plugins
[20:06:07] --------------
[20:06:07]  Loading plugin: mysql

  > MySQL plugin R7 successfully loaded.

[20:06:07]   Loaded.
[20:06:07]  Loading plugin: sscanf

[20:06:07]  ===============================

[20:06:07]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[20:06:07]    © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[20:06:07]    0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[20:06:07]  ===============================

[20:06:07]   Loaded.
[20:06:07]  Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 R2 by Incognito loaded ***

[20:06:07]   Loaded.
[20:06:07]  Loaded 3 plugins.

[20:06:07] Filterscripts
[20:06:07] ---------------
[20:06:07]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[20:06:07] Script[gamemodes/TheLazySloth.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[20:06:07] Number of vehicle models: 0
echo Executing Server Config...
gamemode0 TheLazySloth 1
plugins mysql sscanf streamer
hostname This Server Failed to Load
port 1994
announce 1
query 1
lanmode 1
rcon_password xxxxxxxxx
maxplayers 5
weburl www.******.com
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 0
logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]
Everything runs fine until I add the mysql_query function as I said.

Oops I figured out the problem.
BlueG's MySQL version 7 only supports threaded scripts.
I didn't realize I updated my MySQL version to version 7, I downgraded it back to version 6-2 and now my code works perfectly.