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[Tutorial] Car Interior - Printable Version

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Car Interior - Deathh - 26.02.2012

How to add cars to interiors / Virtual worllds
Hi I made this for some people I cant take all the credits my Friend And I made it together
This simple tutorial will help people that are new to PAWN scripting, on how to place cars in interiors AND virtual worlds.
For this tutorial I want to add a Bloodring Banger to the bloodbowl.
Naming the vehicle
new bloodring1;
Creating the vehicle
You can use AddStaticVehicle or AddStaticVehicleEx or CreateVehicle. However, this example we will use AddStaticVehicleEx.
bloodring1 = AddStaticVehicleEx(504, -1394.20, 987.62, 1023.96, 0.0, -1, -1, 10);

Linking the vehicle into an interior / virtual world
First, link the vehicle to the interior by doing this:
LinkVehicleToInterior(bloodring1, 15);
You have linked the vehicle to interior 15. Now we'll set the vehicle's virtual world, by doing this:
SetVehicleVirtualWorld(bloodring1, 15);

Re: Car Interior - sanplayer - 26.02.2012

Nice Tutorial!

I would recommend putting all the code to use in Code tags

Re: Car Interior - Deathlane - 26.02.2012

Or at least,

LinkVehicleToInterior(AddStaticVehicleEx(504, -1394.20, 987.62, 1023.96, 0.0, -1, -1, 10), 15);

//Virtual World
SetVehicleVirtualWorld(AddStaticVehicleEx(504, -1394.20, 987.62, 1023.96, 0.0, -1, -1, 10), 15);

Note: These are not tested

Re: Car Interior - Deathh - 26.02.2012

read my sig xD

Please give +rep

Re: Car Interior - Luis- - 26.02.2012

You have no signature.

Re: Car Interior - Deathh - 26.02.2012

Yep I know xD

Re: Car Interior - Marduk_Malverde - 18.03.2012

Thanks you