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Previous button In OnPlayerRequestClass - Printable Version

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Previous button In OnPlayerRequestClass - LuisGraph - 25.02.2012

Hello, їhow to detect when I give push to the button back OnPlayerRequestClass

pawn Код:
new count[MAX_PLAYERS];
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid)
        case 0: {SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "1"); count[playerid]++;}
           case 1: {SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "2");}
    return 1;
I want to press the button backward, you subtract the count variable.

pawn Код:
їHow to make?

Re: Previous button In OnPlayerRequestClass - MP2 - 25.02.2012

Store the classid in a global array. If it's less than the previous class they pressed <<, else if it is higher then pressed >>.

Respuesta: Previous button In OnPlayerRequestClass - LuisGraph - 25.02.2012

Tankz Man.

EDIT: Resolved