if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/gate impound", true)) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob] != 7) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " You are not a Car Mechanic!"); return 1; } if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 15,1638.2725,-1146.0609,23.9063)) { MoveDynamicObject(pdgate1,1638.9386,-1141.2346,36.2896, 0.8); format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s takes out his/her impound remote and opens the gate.", sendername); ProxDetector(30.0, playerid, string, COLOR_CHAT1,COLOR_CHAT2,COLOR_CHAT3,COLOR_CHAT4,COLOR_CHAT5); }
C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(3463) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(3492) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(3838) : error 004: function "SafeSetPlayerInterior" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(3881) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleName" C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(3881) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(3897) : error 004: function "IsASalesVehicle" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(3901) : error 004: function "GetVehiclePrice" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(3996) : error 004: function "SafeSetPlayerPos" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(4001) : error 004: function "SafeSetPlayerPos" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(4006) : error 004: function "SafeSetPlayerPos" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(4011) : error 004: function "SafeSetPlayerPos" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(4016) : error 004: function "SafeSetPlayerPos" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(5626) : error 004: function "ClearChatbox" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(5693) : error 004: function "ClearChatbox" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(6212) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(6252) : error 004: function "SafeResetPlayerWeapons" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(6281) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerWeapon" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(6328) : error 004: function "SaveGuns" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(6332) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(6336) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerMoney" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(6340) : error 004: function "UpdatePlayerPosition" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(6446) : error 004: function "SafeSetPlayerPos" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(6447) : error 004: function "SafeSetPlayerInterior" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(6456) : error 004: function "SafeSetPlayerPos" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(6457) : error 004: function "SafeSetPlayerInterior" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(6489) : error 004: function "RemoveRoadblock" is not implemented C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(6532) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "gateclose6") C:\Users\Viddo\Desktop\LARP 4.0\LARP 4.0 D\gamemodes\larp.pwn(6553) : error 004: function "SafeSetPlayerPos" is not implemented
In the command name u cant put a space.
Also u are missing a } in the end. |
public SearchingHit(playerid) { new string[128]; new giveplayer[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; new searchhit = 0; for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { if(searchhit == 0) { if(PlayerInfo[i][pHeadValue] > 0 && GotHit[i] == 0 && PlayerInfo[i][pMember] != 8) { GetPlayerName(i, giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer)); searchhit = 1; hitfound = 1; hitid = i; for(new k=0; k<MAX_PLAYERS; k++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(k)) { if(PlayerInfo[k][pMember] == 8 || PlayerInfo[k][pLeader] == 8) { SendClientMessage(k, COLOR_WHITE, "|__________________ Hitman Agency News __________________|"); SendClientMessage(k, COLOR_DBLUE, "*** Incoming Message: A Hit has become available. ***"); format(string, sizeof(string), "Person: %s ID: %d Value: $%d", giveplayer, i, PlayerInfo[i][pHeadValue]); SendClientMessage(k, COLOR_DBLUE, string); SendClientMessage(k, COLOR_YELLOW, "Use Givehit hitmanid, to assign the Contract to one of the Hitmans."); SendClientMessage(k, COLOR_WHITE, "|________________________________________________________|"); } } } return 0; } } } } if(searchhit == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " No Contracts available !"); } return 0; } public ExtortionBiz(bizid, money) { new string[128]; format(string, sizeof(string), "No-one"); if(strcmp(BizzInfo[bizid][bExtortion],string, true ) == 0 ) { return 0; } for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; new wstring[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(i, name, sizeof(name)); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s", name); strmid(wstring, string, 0, strlen(string), 255); if(strcmp(BizzInfo[bizid][bExtortion] ,wstring, true ) == 0 ) { new value = money / 100; value = value * 10; SafeGivePlayerMoney(i, value);
The SearchingHit is fine.
Can you post the whole part of ExtortionBiz Callback |
public ExtortionBiz(bizid, money) { new string[128]; format(string, sizeof(string), "No-one"); if(strcmp(BizzInfo[bizid][bExtortion],string, true ) == 0 ) { return 0; } for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; new wstring[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(i, name, sizeof(name)); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s", name); strmid(wstring, string, 0, strlen(string), 255); if(strcmp(BizzInfo[bizid][bExtortion] ,wstring, true ) == 0 ) { new value = money / 100; value = value * 10; SafeGivePlayerMoney(i, value); BizzInfo[bizid][bTill] -= value; } } } return 1; }