How do I do it? I hear fremove is VERY faulty. Is there an include that someone recommends to allow me to do so?
I've done tests and apparently so have others, and it doesn't delete the file 4/5 times..
I'm yet to experience this issue, and I've been using fremove successfully for around a year now - it rotates raw chat/command logs.
I've done tests and apparently so have others, and it doesn't delete the file 4/5 times..
If you have done tests, post your logs of the tests. Post everything that you are using to "test" this theory. Because i also use fremove, and have no trouble with it.
CMD:changename(playerid, params[])
if(sscanf(params, "us[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]", accChanged, accNewName))
return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""#LIME"<CMD USAGE> "#WHITE"/changename <player id> <new name>");
if( accLogged[accChanged] == false )
return SendClientMessage(playerid, c_RED, "» #"WHITE"That user is not logged in!");
GetPlayerName(accChanged, accOldName, sizeof(accOldName));
SetPlayerName(accChanged, accNewName);
INI:accFile = INI_Open(find_accPath(accChanged) ),
GetPlayerIp(accChanged, accIP, sizeof(accIP));
GetPlayerPos(accChanged, Position[0], Position[1], Position[2]);
GetPlayerFacingAngle(accChanged, Position[3]);
GetPlayerName(playerid, adminName, sizeof(adminName));
INI_SetTag(accFile, "data");
INI_WriteInt(accFile, "Passcode", accInfo[accChanged][Passcode] );
INI_WriteString(accFile, "RegisteredIP", accIP);
INI_WriteInt(accFile, "Authorization", accInfo[accChanged][Authorization]);
INI_WriteString(accFile, "PreviousName", accOldName);
INI_WriteInt(accFile, "Funds", accInfo[accChanged][Funds]);
INI_WriteInt(accFile, "BankFunds", accInfo[accChanged][BankFunds]);
INI_WriteInt(accFile, "SkinModel", accInfo[accChanged][SkinModel]);
INI_WriteInt(accFile, "Kills", accInfo[accChanged][Kills]);
INI_WriteInt(accFile, "Deaths", accInfo[accChanged][Deaths]);
INI_WriteInt(accFile, "EventsWon", accInfo[accChanged][EventsWon]);
INI_WriteFloat(accFile, "X_Pos", Position[0]);
INI_WriteFloat(accFile, "Y_Pos", Position[1]);
INI_WriteFloat(accFile, "Z_Pos", Position[2]);
INI_WriteFloat(accFile, "Ang_Pos", Position[3]);
format(accStr, sizeof(accStr), ""#CYAN"» "#WHITE"You have edited %s's name. Old Name: %s, New Name: %s", accOldName, accOldName, accNewName);
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, accStr);
format(accStr, sizeof(accStr), ""#CYAN"» "#WHITE"Your name has been edited. Old Name: %s, New Name: %s", accOldName, accNewName);
SendClientMessage(accChanged, -1, accStr);
format(accStr, sizeof(accStr), ""#CYAN"» Administrator %s has edited %s's name to %s.", adminName, accOldName, accNewName);
SendAdminMessage(1, accStr);
return true;