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[FilterScript] Simple Park System - Printable Version

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Simple Park System - Tanush123 - 10.02.2012

Simple Park System
What is this?

Well i know this is simple and easy. This is just for the new scripters... Well this is just a /park command that will add the vehicles into a .txt so you guys could copy from that and post in your gamemode. It could be also helpful when your sleeping or doing something so people could just use /park and it will show in your .txt after you return.

How to Install

1. Drag the winzip's filterscript files to your server's file (Park.amx)
2. Drag the includes to your pawno >> includes ( and
3. Drag Cars.txt in the winzip's scriptfiles to your scriptfiles
4. Go on server.cfg and add Park after the filterscripts

How to Use

1. Go in game and use /park in a vehicle
2. Go in your scriptfiles and look for Cars.txt
3. Add the lines under your OnGameModeInIt in your GameMode

How to Use (with pictures)

First go in game


After you have to copy the line



Download Link


Zeex For Zcmd
RyDeR` For GetVehicleColor

Re: Simple Park System - Kaperstone - 10.02.2012


Re: Simple Park System - TheLord - 10.02.2012

N!ceeeeee one !

Re: Simple Park System - Gravity4501 - 10.02.2012

Nice dude Good Job!

Re: Simple Park System - KingHual - 11.02.2012

I'm not going to say "nice" like the post-collectors above. I don't understand the main purpose of this... Does it just save a few lines in a file?

Re: Simple Park System - [HM]Nicky - 11.02.2012

Wow nice dude !.

Re: Simple Park System - [CS]Killer778 - 11.02.2012


Re: Simple Park System - Tanush123 - 11.02.2012

Originally Posted by king_hual
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I'm not going to say "nice" like the post-collectors above. I don't understand the main purpose of this... Does it just save a few lines in a file?
Not really, you can use /park anytime and it doesn't have a limited line for the .txt

Re: Simple Park System - Shadow_ - 11.02.2012

Seems abit useless to me, but whatever floats your boat :P

Re: Simple Park System - Tanush123 - 11.02.2012

Originally Posted by Shadow_
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Seems abit useless to me, but whatever floats your boat :P
Like i told on top of the topic, it could be useful for some people that got trustful rcon admins that uses /park while the person is gone so when the person is back, he could check it and add it. it would show at the end of the CreateVehicle (// [Name] ([Month] [Day)

Re: Simple Park System - Shadow_ - 11.02.2012

But if a user is an rcon admin there is alot of features that person can use. I my self don't give RCON Access to anyone but myself.

Re: Simple Park System - Tanush123 - 11.02.2012

Originally Posted by Shadow_
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But if a user is an rcon admin there is alot of features that person can use. I my self don't give RCON Access to anyone but myself.
Maybe making it for co owners (admin level 4), like example imagine there is 5 admin levels. The person could change IsPlayerAdmin to if(PlayerData[playerid][Admin] < 4) return 0;

Re: Simple Park System - Marin_Franolic - 11.02.2012

Nothing special, but its usefull

Re: Simple Park System - Mohamedilham - 13.09.2014

if any one buiy the car and /vpark after he sell that car is gone to old place but that not save on /vpark place plz any one helpo me to save that car on /vpark place

Re: Simple Park System - TonyNames - 13.09.2014

Nice bro!

Re: Simple Park System - ReD_DeVi - 13.09.2014


Re: Simple Park System - momo123 - 13.09.2014

Nice good Job

Re: Simple Park System - M0HAMMAD - 14.09.2014

Really Nice !