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Help with script that load info from ini[need fixs] - Printable Version

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Help with script that load info from ini[need fixs] - king4you - 04.02.2012

Thats what i write:
pawn Код:
public LoadAVSVehicles()
    new file[64];
    for(new idx = 1; idx < MAX_VEHICLES ; idx++)
    format(file, sizeof(file),"AVS/Vehicles/v%d.ini", idx);
                format(file, sizeof(file),"AVS/Vehicles/v%d.ini", idx);
                    VehicleOwner[idx] = dini_Get(file, "Owner");
                    //new Owner = dini_Get(file, "Owner");
    return 1;
and i get those errors:
pawn Код:
C:\gamemodes\larp.pwn(2387) : error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small
C:\gamemodes\larp.pwn(2391) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1)
Someone can help me where i did a mistake please?

Respuesta: Help with script that load info from ini[need fixs] - [Nikk] - 04.02.2012

Use [pawn] and [*/pawn] (without *).
Mark the error lines.

Re: Help with script that load info from ini[need fixs] - king4you - 04.02.2012

did the errors are to this line :
pawn Код:
VehicleOwner[idx] = dini_Get(file, "Owner");

Re: Help with script that load info from ini[need fixs] - king4you - 04.02.2012
