Annoying owner display >.> -
Stealthzz - 02.02.2012
Hi guys. I've been doing on my server recently, and something happened, what I don't know how to fix. When I enter an ownable car, let's say it's mine, it doesn't display my name properly. It says something like, "Owner of this car is John A1" instead of "Owner of this car is John_McCartney", for example. Where to look, what to do?
AW: Annoying owner display >.> -
Drebin - 02.02.2012
Show the code where the message is sent to the player. (+/- 10 lines)
Re: Annoying owner display >.> -
DonWade - 02.02.2012
Show code from "OnPlayerEnterVehicle" or playerstatechange
Re: Annoying owner display >.> -
Stealthzz - 02.02.2012
public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger)
new string[128];
new vehicle[24];
GetVehicleName(vehicleid, vehicle, sizeof(vehicle));
new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
for(new i=0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(Spectate[i] != 255)
format(string,sizeof(string),"[VEHICLE] You are entering to a %s - Owner: %s",vehicle, CarInfo[vehicleid][cOwner]);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, string);
I guess it's this?
Re: Annoying owner display >.> -
Stealthzz - 03.02.2012
Re: Annoying owner display >.> -
[XST]O_x - 03.02.2012
Show your CarInfo variable and your enumeration