Milan_Huizen's Scripts and Projects -
milanosie - 02.02.2012
Hi everybody
Here I will post all of my videos bout scripts, My projects and updates and my releases.
I will update it a minimum of every 2 days.
If You like what you see you can subscribe to this topic.
Anyway, Hope you like it:
IG name: Milan_Huizen (If u ever meet me say hi
Started scripting at: bout 15 januari 2011?
Age: will be 18 in april
Reality Roleplay Gamemode Features:
Dynamic House System:
Video: [ame=" W6aU7d3ZEv6e-a-VXpmt"]Click[/ame]
New Player Registration Intro:
Video: [ame=""]Click[/ame]
Dynamic Private Vehicles:
Video: [ame=""]Click STIL RENDERING[/ame]
Live Scripting
Scripting Car Selling PART 1/2
Video: [ame=""]Click[/ame]
Re: Milan_Huizen's Scripts and Projects -
milanosie - 02.02.2012
Any comments?
Re: Milan_Huizen's Scripts and Projects -
Twinki1993 - 02.02.2012
Wrong section mate.
Re: Milan_Huizen's Scripts and Projects -
milanosie - 02.02.2012
No, its not a fs, not a gm.. its a collection
Re: Milan_Huizen's Scripts and Projects -
milanosie - 03.02.2012
No comments, tips, feedback, ideas?
Re: Milan_Huizen's Scripts and Projects - T0pAz - 03.02.2012
Try to make the player movable on all areas for camera position and look at. Something similar to MTA Map Editor.
Re: Milan_Huizen's Scripts and Projects -
milanosie - 03.02.2012
What do u mean, with the intro?
Re : Milan_Huizen's Scripts and Projects -
ricardo178 - 03.02.2012
I like it, just don't use Hacks in the videos, look noob. :P Joking.
I like T0pAz suggestion..
For a future update, dynamic In-Game mapping. I know it's possible. You place objects IG, like in MTA. Will be good for a constructions company(Someone Responsable) or simply make temp race for the daily events.
He means the tutorial, making player move camera, and see the zone around.. Like turning the camera. Like the camera moving 360°, so player can see around.
Re: Milan_Huizen's Scripts and Projects -
milanosie - 03.02.2012
Ingqme mapping is possible on small scale, like roadblocks etc.
Re : Re: Milan_Huizen's Scripts and Projects -
ricardo178 - 03.02.2012
Originally Posted by milanosie
Ingqme mapping is possible on small scale, like roadblocks etc.
Nah.. You can now map IG like in MTA... Moving the objects with mouse and all that. Saw it in some server. It's an FS or Include that is around.. Saw a Raven's server with it, so couldn't be that hard. :P And, limiting it to construction things.. To make little offices, gates... Could take many interest to the server, don't you think so?