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Im a new mapper - Printable Version

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Im a new mapper - GenerationXtreme - 01.02.2012

Title says it all, im a new mapper and someone already hired me to map, and he said my mappings are cool and he will pay for me, now i wanna tell this so peoples will hire me to become there mapper, minimum payment is 5 USD.

If you want me to map the whole LS, it will cost 5000 USD

Re: Im a new mapper - trapped1 - 01.02.2012

Are you serious? I think every one can map Why would we pay for you? and a lot of maps are added in Filterscript forum category!!!

Re: Im a new mapper - jamesbond007 - 01.02.2012

hi im a scripter, someone already hired me to scr1pt but said my scriptz are freaking c00l. he will pay me now im here to tell you that will ok?

For SF CnR GM Pay me 100000$. cash only :0 kthxbai

Re: Im a new mapper - tyler12 - 01.02.2012

Originally Posted by jamesbond007
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hi im a scripter, someone already hired me to scr1pt but said my scriptz are freaking c00l. he will pay me now im here to tell you that will ok?

For SF CnR GM Pay me 100000$. cash only :0 kthxbai

Re: Im a new mapper - T0pAz - 01.02.2012


If you want me to map the whole LS, it will cost 5000 USD


Re: Im a new mapper - suhrab_mujeeb - 01.02.2012

Link: I think Rockstar Games were looking for a mapper, why don't you help them?

Re: Im a new mapper - Babul - 01.02.2012

mapping whole LS? is possible by selecting all objects with JerenejL's editor, remove them all, create code, insert it to a filterscript 2 times, and replace the 2nd half into CreateDynamicObject instead RemoveObject ^^
$5k saved lol (minus 2 hours for selecting each single shit in ls haha)