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[Ayuda] Errores Guardar Tuning. - Printable Version

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[Ayuda] Errores Guardar Tuning. - Karim_Loyola - 27.01.2012

Buenas, implementй un sistema de Guardado de Tunings a mi GM, pero cuando compilo me tira estos errores:
C:\Users\Karim\Desktop\GM Real Second Life RP 0.3d\gamemodes\RealSecondLife.pwn(25202) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "VehiclesMod")
C:\Users\Karim\Desktop\GM Real Second Life RP 0.3d\gamemodes\RealSecondLife.pwn(25203) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "VehiclesMod")
C:\Users\Karim\Desktop\GM Real Second Life RP 0.3d\gamemodes\RealSecondLife.pwn(25286) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "VehiclesMod")
C:\Users\Karim\Desktop\GM Real Second Life RP 0.3d\gamemodes\RealSecondLife.pwn(25297) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "VehiclesMod")
C:\Users\Karim\Desktop\GM Real Second Life RP 0.3d\gamemodes\RealSecondLife.pwn(25320) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "VehiclesMod")
C:\Users\Karim\Desktop\GM Real Second Life RP 0.3d\gamemodes\RealSecondLife.pwn(25321) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "VehiclesMod")
C:\Users\Karim\Desktop\GM Real Second Life RP 0.3d\gamemodes\RealSecondLife.pwn(25327) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "VehiclesMod")
C:\Users\Karim\Desktop\GM Real Second Life RP 0.3d\gamemodes\RealSecondLife.pwn(25328) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "VehiclesMod")
C:\Users\Karim\Desktop\GM Real Second Life RP 0.3d\gamemodes\RealSecondLife.pwn(25335) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "VehiclesMod")
C:\Users\Karim\Desktop\GM Real Second Life RP 0.3d\gamemodes\RealSecondLife.pwn(25336) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "VehiclesMod")
C:\Users\Karim\Desktop\GM Real Second Life RP 0.3d\gamemodes\RealSecondLife.pwn(25343) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "VehiclesMod")
C:\Users\Karim\Desktop\GM Real Second Life RP 0.3d\gamemodes\RealSecondLife.pwn(25344) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "VehiclesMod")
C:\Users\Karim\Desktop\GM Real Second Life RP 0.3d\gamemodes\RealSecondLife.pwn(25350) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "VehiclesMod")
C:\Users\Karim\Desktop\GM Real Second Life RP 0.3d\gamemodes\RealSecondLife.pwn(25351) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "VehiclesMod")
C:\Users\Karim\Desktop\GM Real Second Life RP 0.3d\gamemodes\RealSecondLife.pwn(25357) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "VehiclesMod")
C:\Users\Karim\Desktop\GM Real Second Life RP 0.3d\gamemodes\RealSecondLife.pwn(25358) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "VehiclesMod")
C:\Users\Karim\Desktop\GM Real Second Life RP 0.3d\gamemodes\RealSecondLife.pwn(59793) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "VehiclesMod")
C:\Users\Karim\Desktop\GM Real Second Life RP 0.3d\gamemodes\RealSecondLife.pwn(59798) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "VehiclesMod")
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

18 Errors.
Y son por esto me parece:

pawn Код:
new VehiclesMod[MAX_VEHICLES][14];
y lo cambio a
pawn Код:
new VehiclesMod[MAX_VEHICLES][16];
Pero no se guardan los tunings al ponerlo en 16

Ayuda por favor D:

Respuesta: [Ayuda] Errores Guardar Tuning. - TheChaoz - 28.01.2012

puedes decirnos cuales son las lineas donde estan los errores?

El error que te marca indica que estas colocando valores mas altos de los que el array puede contener.