High RAM usage -
Pooh7 - 27.01.2012
I have a problem with very high ram usage on my VPS.
Daily average is 400MB, but sometimes it starts increasing up to 1.3GB.
When I restart a SAMP server, RAM usage is back to normal till next time.
It usually happens once a day, sometimes twice.
I'm using the following plugins:
crashdetect, streamer, sscanf, regex, mysql (BlueG's one), Whirlpool, MapAndreas
Here are my CPU & RAM graphs:
Can someone help me to solve the problem?
Re: High RAM usage -
Abbott - 27.01.2012
Is it a Windows or Linux based platform?
Re: High RAM usage -
Pooh7 - 27.01.2012
It's CentOS 32bit.
Re: High RAM usage -
[UE]Milan - 27.01.2012
thats linux.
Re: High RAM usage -
Mauzen - 27.01.2012
Hm, probably a plugin problem, or problematic plugin usage.
Scriptwise only playervariables could cause such a ram increase, or recursive functions (functions calling themselves and so looping again and again). You should check for these, but they are quite improbable, as playervariables are deletd when the player leaves, and recursive functions would rather make your server crash or lag like hell.
MapAndreas, sscanf and Whirlpool should be fine, as they all do not assign a lot of memory, and for MapAndreas ive never heard of or experienced such a problem.
Regex? Havent used it, or looked at its source yet, but it also shouldnt assign much ram.
Same for crashdetect and mysql.
So I guess the problem could most likely be the streamer, as streamers need lots of memory assignments when new objects are added. Maybe you are creating an unlimited amount of objects as a result of some buggy loadHouses() or loadMap()-like things.
Hard to say how to check it, as the problem could be anywhere in your script, or even in the plugin itself. Trying to debug problematic script parts like the objectloaders and waiting for someone else who had the same problem is probably the best.
AW: High RAM usage -
papagei9 - 12.02.2012
I got that problem too ... ram usage increases till it uses 2 GB in 3 days ...
And then, some things in the server laggs, like race start with checkpoints ... and thats not good.
I'm using BlueG-mysql (R5), streamer (newest version) ..
We really need help with that unfriendly bug!
Re: High RAM usage -
Ash. - 12.02.2012
If it helps: I
don't get this problem and I'm using the latest streamer and sscanf plugin versions, so I guess it rules those out (unless those plugins, paired with others, are causing the problem).
Re: High RAM usage - Guest9328472398472 - 12.02.2012
This could also be your script, depending on how it's processed.