Las Venturas TDM [Good for Start/Newbies] -
[Nikk] - 23.01.2012
Hi people, i made this gamemode a nice time ago, i never occuped of this, before some weeks.
I was editing, i looking for somethings in the code. I finish a beta version. Is this:
Weaponshop for command.
Admin system (5 levels)
V.I.P System
+300 vehicles around Las venturas + country side.
Use Dialogs. ZCMD, Sscanf, YSI, foreach.
Version: v0.1a
Mafia Sindacco - Spawn at LV East ( I dont remember the hood name)
Bloodz - Spawn at Creek
LVPD - Spawn at LVPD and El Quebrados
Hitman - Spawn at Toreno's house.
Sailor - Spawn at Bayside
Drifters - Spawn at Big Ear
Army - Spawn at Area 51
Admin commands:
pawn Код:
CMD:acmds(playerid, params[])
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Adminlevel] < 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,".:: You are not authorized to use this command ::.");
new iString[1000];
strcat(iString, " {3C4FFF}Administration Commands \n\n");
strcat(iString, "- ""This are the Administrator commands. \n {FE1D42}Level 1:\n");
strcat(iString, "- {FFFFFF}/asay - /goto - /apm - /a - /slap - /onduty - /respawn - /veh\n\n");
strcat(iString, "- {FE1D42}Level 2:{FFFFFF}\n /kick - /Freeze - /unfreeze\n\n");
strcat(iString, "- {FE1D42}Level 3:{FFFFFF} \n /explode - /get \n\n{FE1D42}Level 4:\n");
strcat(iString, "- {FFFFFF}/ban - /jetpack - /removejet\n\n");
strcat(iString, "- {FE1D42}Level 5:{FFFFFF} \n /gmx - /freezeall - /unfreezeall - /makeadmin\n");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,112, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Admin Commands", iString, "Ok", "");
return 1;
Client commands:
pawn Код:
CMD:cmds(playerid, params[])
new iString[400];
strcat(iString, "- {FFFFFF}Use {9E05A3}/Kill {FFFFFF}for suicide your self. Use {9E05A3}/Pm [ID] [Message] {FFFFFF}For send a pm to someone.\n\n");
strcat(iString, "- Use {9E05A3}/Credits {FFFFFF}for see the server credits. Use {9E05A3}/rules {FFFFFF}for see the server rules.\n\n");
strcat(iString, "- Use {9E05A3}/Report {FFFFFF}for report a hacker/cheater, Use {9E05A3}/T {FFFFFF}for talk in team chat. \n\n");
strcat(iString, "- Use {9E05A3}/Weaponshop {FFFFFF}for buy in the weapon shop.\n\n");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,5116, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Commands", iString, "Thanks", "");
return 1;
Rank System
Gang system.
Mirrors are accepted.
The gamemode is in development.
Leave any suggestion if you have one. (No one of the top of the post)
Re: Las Venturas TDM [Good for Start/Newbies] -
MAVERICKS - 23.01.2012
well if this is your first gamemode!!!! nice 10/10!!!!
Keep it up! btw i will download it!!!
Respuesta: Las Venturas TDM [Good for Start/Newbies] -
[Nikk] - 23.01.2012
Is not the first, but thanks
Re: Las Venturas TDM [Good for Start/Newbies] -
Konstantinos - 23.01.2012
Good Job. However, on the acmds string of 470 or 512 it's fine. It's waste of memory more :P
Respuesta: Las Venturas TDM [Good for Start/Newbies] -
[Nikk] - 23.01.2012
Thanks for the suggest. Im gonna to fix that in next version.
Respuesta: Las Venturas TDM [Good for Start/Newbies] -
[Nikk] - 24.01.2012
Re: Las Venturas TDM [Good for Start/Newbies] -
N0FeaR - 24.01.2012
This GM looks nice. will test it later
Respuesta: Las Venturas TDM [Good for Start/Newbies] -
[Nikk] - 24.01.2012
Re: Las Venturas TDM [Good for Start/Newbies] -
SiEx - 25.01.2012
GM Looks Good

Keep it Up !
Respuesta: Las Venturas TDM [Good for Start/Newbies] -
[Nikk] - 25.01.2012