hep making mysql query - Printable Version
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hep making mysql query -
ajwar - 22.01.2012
Hi, i tryed to make mysql query which:
Checks if 'volt' = 1 ant if that than it decrease's `voltcount` by 1. And the last check if `voltcount` <= 0 than 'volt' = 0
but it's just not working. May anyone generate such query? If you can't write a code give an example of codes i should use. Thanks.
Re: hep making mysql query -
Sinner - 22.01.2012
First query:
PHP код:
// Sets voltcount to voltcount - 1 where volt = 1
UPDATE `TABLE_NAME` SET `voltcount` = `voltcount` - 1 WHERE `volt` = 1
Second one:
PHP код:
// Sets volt to 0 where voltcount <= 0
UPDATE `TABLE_NAME` SET `volt` = 0 WHERE `voltcount` <= 0