/newbie command - Printable Version
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/newbie command -
Andr3y9603 - 20.01.2012
who i can give and me command?
Re: /newbie command -
milanosie - 20.01.2012
Did u try to make it?
I have one, but did u actually put effort in it?
Re: /newbie command -
Andr3y9603 - 20.01.2012
Yes I tried but appears for all playerii and so I just do not want people to come lvl 3 ... hurt anything if you gave me and me?
Re: /newbie command -
milanosie - 20.01.2012
What is the point of newbie chat if newbies cant use it
Re: /newbie command -
Shadow_ - 20.01.2012
edit how you please;
COMMAND:newbie(playerid, params[])
new msg[128];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName);
format(msg, sizeof(msg), "NEWBIE: %s - %s", pName, params);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR, msg);
return 1;
if you use it make sure you give +rep