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Load PerSonal Cars - Printable Version

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Load PerSonal Cars - CaTaLinU - 19.01.2012

I have added into OnGameModeInit

after all CreateVehicle

PHP код:
    for(new 377sizeof(CarInfo); h++)
but when i go to park in LS near the bank , it doesn't show them from cars.cfg ....

can you say me why ?

Re: Load PerSonal Cars - CaTaLinU - 19.01.2012


Re: Load PerSonal Cars - milanosie - 19.01.2012

I dont get it at all

Re: Load PerSonal Cars - thimo - 19.01.2012

Any info? -.-

Re: Load PerSonal Cars - Snowman12 - 19.01.2012

pawn Код:
for(new h; h < MAX_SERVER_VEHICLES; h++) // Incorrect loop give it a go.