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What is wrong with this? - Printable Version

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What is wrong with this? - milanosie - 18.01.2012

hello, this if for my phone script:
                        PlayerInfo[playerid][PhoneNumber] = RandomEx(0600000000, 0699999999);
At the top of the script my define is:
#define RandomEx(%0,%1) (random((%1) - (%0)) + (%0))'
Gives error C:\Users\Milan\Downloads\Own Gamemode Test\Own Gamemode Test\gamemodes\milanrp.pwn(4559) : error 027: invalid character constant

Re: What is wrong with this? - Slice - 18.01.2012

Remove the apostrophe in the end of the #define.

Re: What is wrong with this? - milanosie - 18.01.2012

omg fail.... -_- I feel sooo stupid now.. I mean. Im scripting for 2 weeks only. I am making my own gamemode already. Made 7k lines of code.. Working private cars, factions etc.. and I miss this:P

Anyway thanksXD