Server crash - Printable Version
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Server crash -
Larry123 - 18.01.2012
Where can come a problem, if i write any command or text in game. Then samp-server.exe close. I mean if i write anything Ingame, then after lagg i will see the text and then server crash.
Re: Server crash -
Gh05t_ - 18.01.2012
Though this won't resolve your problem. Post more relevant information regarding this.
Re: Server crash -
Larry123 - 18.01.2012
Just server is laggy and crash if i say something. Is there any variants when can this happen.
Re: Server crash -
TheLazySloth - 18.01.2012
You should post your OnPlayerText
Re: Server crash -
Larry123 - 18.01.2012
No this is almost empty, only %s says: %s. So i think there can be a mistake. Everything i say ( /command, T [Text]) Server crash, hmm last thing i edited was maybe SpawnPlayer(playerid), And SetSpawnInfo, i added these to onplayerlogin
Re: Server crash -
milanosie - 18.01.2012
Any filterscript running?
Re: Server crash -
tyler12 - 18.01.2012
whats in "crashinfo.txt"
Re: Server crash -
Larry123 - 18.01.2012
There is:
SA-MP Server: 0.3d-R2
Exception At Address: 0x77B022B2
EAX: 0x00000024 EBX: 0x0000005B ECX: 0x004D6430 EDX: 0x00000000
ESI: 0x00000024 EDI: 0x00000020 EBP: 0x0018F4C0 ESP: 0x0018F4AC
EFLAGS: 0x00010216
+0000: 0x02D8D51C 0x00000000 0x01E45F20 0x01DDE970
+0010: 0x02CF1CEC 0x0018F4FC 0x0048DA4E 0x00000020
+0020: 0x0048E09E 0x00000000 0x02D8D51C 0x00000000
+0030: 0x0000005B 0x00000FFF 0x0018F4D4 0x0018EF04
+0040: 0x0018F81C 0x004920A8 0x004ACCB0 0xFFFFFFFF
+0050: 0x00000000 0x0040534E 0x0000005B 0x00000000
+0060: 0x02DAC580 0x0018F52C 0x02CF1CEC 0x0040578F
+0070: 0x00000001 0x01E45F20 0x01E45F20 0x0000003F
+0080: 0x02D0CDF8 0x004010B6 0x01E45F20 0x02D8D51C
+0090: 0x02D116F0 0x00402B63 0x01E45F20 0x0000008F
+00A0: 0x0018F564 0x02DAC580 0x00000000 0x01E45F20
+00B0: 0x0018F600 0x00000002 0x00000000 0x0009AE90
+00C0: 0x0009AE90 0x0009AEDC 0x00096EEC 0x0009AEB8
+00D0: 0x00096EEC 0x02CF1CEC 0x02D116F0 0x00000000
+00E0: 0x02CF0020 0x0001FA04 0x0046C652 0x01E45F20
+00F0: 0x0018F5D4 0x00000035 0x01E45F20 0x00000000
+0100: 0x01E45F20 0x0018F5D8 0x0018F5E0 0x0018F600
+0110: 0x02DA85D0 0x00000000 0x031C8048 0x0018F82C
+0120: 0x032F47F0 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00096EE0
+0130: 0x0048720C 0x02DA85D0 0x00000035 0x0018F838
About filterscripts, yes, i just putted on progress bar maker filterscript.
Re: Server crash -
spedico - 18.01.2012
Try removing all plugins and filterscripts. If it still doesn't work - try using one of the premade gamemodes (such as LVDM). If it still doesn't work, re-download the server package.
After that, if it doesn't work, the problem is in your PC. Maybe your running out of memory (haven't seen that yet though)