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Is there anyway? - Printable Version

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Is there anyway? - MasterJoker - 18.01.2012

Is there anyway to fix the MSVC100.dll error in sscanf i try to download and put on system32 folder nothing happens i try to install Visual Basic 2010 i cannot because i need Windows Version 1.3 or Higher but i'm not ready to this yet.
can someone help me?

Re: Is there anyway? - [HiC]TheKiller - 18.01.2012

Download .net Framework (Latest version) with Microsoft Visual C++.

Re: Is there anyway? - MasterJoker - 18.01.2012

Can you give me the link? i'm not so much good at those

Re: Is there anyway? - iGetty - 18.01.2012


Re: Is there anyway? - MasterJoker - 18.01.2012

i told you i need Windows Installer 3.1 i guess i do not have other way anyone?

Re: Is there anyway? - Steven82 - 18.01.2012

Originally Posted by MasterJoker
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i told you i need Windows Installer 3.1 i guess i do not have other way anyone?
If you are using a Windows Operating system them how do you not have windows installer in 3.1? You should get updates like these in Windows Update..

Re: Is there anyway? - MasterJoker - 18.01.2012

I'm not sure about that. because when i download the installer i need to backup my system i'm so scared

Re: Is there anyway? - MasterJoker - 18.01.2012


Re: Is there anyway? - MasterJoker - 20.01.2012

Bump anyone?

Re: Is there anyway? - MasterJoker - 20.01.2012

well when i open the windows installer 3.1 look:

pawn Код:
NOTE: Backup your system before installing