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/AKA Command - Printable Version

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/AKA Command - Coffeemonster - 16.01.2012

Hi, basically I've been trying to script a /AKA command, which basically is a command that will inform you of all the name's used to connect to the server on a certain IP. When a player connects the name he used is stored in a file such as aka.ini along with the IP, the next time he uses a different name and the same IP, that name is also added to that IP, and when you type /aka on a player in game, it brings back all the names the person has used. (It's made in L Admin script which uses dini.)

So basically my dilemma is that i've recently switched to y_ini, but I am not entirely sure on how to make an aka system using y_ini or how to convert ladmins dini aka to y_ini. I am really not sure where to begin, if I am to use ini_load, ini_parsefile etc, so any help would be appreciated on how to achieve something like this.

Re: /AKA Command - coole210 - 17.01.2012

pawn Код:
new ip[32],string[256],name[24];
format(string,sizeof(string),"Info for %s: %s",name,INI_Load("aka.ini", true, ip);
EDIT: Sorry if it doesn't work, I just read the LAdmin and used lethal's method.

Re: /AKA Command - jamesbond007 - 17.01.2012

lol ^ ye.. just look at ladmin4v2 ... in onplayerconnect

Re: /AKA Command - thimo - 17.01.2012

Just get everyones IP saved somewhere and names behind it. And read it when connecting