Easy CB Light ~ Rokzlive -
Rokzlive - 14.01.2012
Easy CB Light V.2
What is it?
Easy CB is a simple CB channel which allows players to talk in certain channels!
How does it work?
It fetches a players color and cb channel, then sends a message, with the players color (like a normal message) to all the other plays on the same CB channel as the player talking.
Can I add more channels?
Yes, you can add more channels by simply editing two defines.
pawn Код:
#define MINIMUM_CB 1
#define MAXIMUM_CB 10
You set MINIMUM_CB to the minimum cb channel you want to allow users in, and MAXIMUM_CB to the maximum cb channel you want to allow users in.
Can I set a default cb channel?
Yes! You set a default CB channel by editing the following line.
Please note, this value can be out of the minimum/maximum range, but once a user switched out of it, they cant get back in.
How do i change my cb ingame?
Simply use the command /cb [id]
What includes/plugins do i need?
To use this, you need the ZCMD include and the SSCANF include and plugin.
Can i remove the credits?
Absolutely not! However, all credits are in script, none show in game, so no one will now your using this script except you!
Does it work?
Ive not personally tested this script, so im unsure. If it does not, please tell me and I will fix it ASAP!
Will there be updates?
Yes, i will update it and add more features!
What came in the v.2 update?
Player messages sent in the default cb will now be processed normally and sent to everyone on the server no matter what cb they are in. If you are in a cb other than the default, messages will be sent to just that cb channel.
Now when you switch into a cb, it will tell you what players are in that channel already.
Where can i get it?
Copy and paste the code below, then save and compile it and your filterscripts folder. Once you do that, include it in your server.cfg!
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>
#include <sscanf2>
#define MINIMUM_CB 1
#define MAXIMUM_CB 10
#define DEFUALT_CB 1
forward SendClientMessageToCB(playerid,cbid,text[]);
enum pCbinfo
new pCb[MAX_PLAYERS][pCbinfo];
new String[500];
public OnFilterScriptInit()
print("Easy CB by Rokzlive");
return 1;
public OnFilterScriptExit()
return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
pCb[playerid][cb] = DEFUALT_CB;
return 1;
public OnPlayerText(playerid,text[])
if(pCb[playerid][cb] == DEFUALT_CB) return 1;
else SendClientMessageToCB(playerid,pCb[playerid][cb],text);
return 0;
public SendClientMessageToCB(playerid,cbid,text[])
format(String,sizeof(String),"%s(%i){FFFFFF}[CB:%i]: %s", GetName(playerid), playerid, GetPlayerCB(playerid), text);
for(new i; i<= MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
return 1;
stock GetPlayerCB(playerid)
return pCb[playerid][cb];
stock SwitchCB(playerid, cbid)
pCb[playerid][cb] = cbid;
format(String,sizeof(String),"%s has switched their CB channel to %i!",GetName(playerid), cbid);
format(String,sizeof(String),"Players currently in this CB channel:");
new string1[40];
for(new i; i<= MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(pCb[i][cb] == cbid)
format(string1,sizeof(string1)," %s(%d)",GetName(i),i);
stock GetName(playerid)
new name[24];
return name;
CMD:cb(playerid, params[])
new id;
format(String,sizeof(String),"Usage: /cb [id %d - %d]", MINIMUM_CB, MAXIMUM_CB);
if(sscanf(params,"i",id))return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,String);
if(id < MINIMUM_CB || id > MAXIMUM_CB)return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,String);
return 1;
Re: Easy CB Light ~ Rokzlive -
§с†¶e®РµРe - 14.01.2012
Not bad.
Re: Easy CB Light ~ Rokzlive - Guest9328472398472 - 14.01.2012
Good Job
Re: Easy CB Light ~ Rokzlive -
Brian_G - 14.01.2012
really nice.
Re: Easy CB Light ~ Rokzlive -
Rokzlive - 14.01.2012
Thankyou for all the positive feedback, being as it took me 2 minutes to make xD
Re: Easy CB Light ~ Rokzlive -
flrp - 15.01.2012
Didn't work for me. i type /cb 1 and it says "Unknown command". i use linux btw.
Re: Easy CB Light ~ Rokzlive -
Rokzlive - 15.01.2012
Originally Posted by flrp
Didn't work for me. i type /cb 1 and it says "Unknown command". i use linux btw.
Are you using zcmd?
Re: Easy CB Light ~ Rokzlive -
flrp - 15.01.2012
Originally Posted by Rokzlive
Are you using zcmd?
yes i am.
Respuesta: Easy CB Light ~ Rokzlive -
[Nikk] - 15.01.2012
Really nice, but i have a suggestion, if the player are talking for the Custom CB, that the message of [CB:1] will not appear.
Re: Easy CB Light ~ Rokzlive -
Rokzlive - 16.01.2012
Nikk, ill change it to where it wont show the number when the player is on the default cb, but for all others numbers will show.