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Can't compile gamemode with mysql - Printable Version

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Can't compile gamemode with mysql - xGoldenx - 10.01.2012

I'm starting a new gamemode from scratch, because I wanted to use mysql instead files database etc.

But when I installed that mysql plugin, I have a problem.

When I added
#include <a_mysql>
It shows
C:\x\x\x\x\x\pawno\new.pwn(5) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "a_mysql"
Here is the
	SA-MP MySQL plugin R5
	Copyright © 2008-2010, G-sTyLeZzZ 

#if defined mysql_included
#define mysql_included

//Common error codes (|server).html)

#define ER_UNKNOWN_TABLE 1109
#define ER_SYNTAX_ERROR 1149
#define CR_SERVER_LOST 2013

//Native functions

#define mysql_fetch_row(%1) mysql_fetch_row_format(%1,"|")
#define mysql_next_row() mysql_retrieve_row()
#define mysql_get_field(%1,%2) mysql_fetch_field_row(%2,%1)

native mysql_affected_rows(connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_close(connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_connect(const host[],const user[],const database[],const password[]);
native mysql_debug(enable = 1);
native mysql_errno(connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_fetch_int(connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_fetch_field(number,dest[],connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_fetch_field_row(string[],const fieldname[],connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_fetch_float(&Float:result,connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_fetch_row_format(string[],const delimiter[] = "|",connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_format(connectionHandle, output[], format[], {Float,_}:...);
native mysql_field_count(connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_free_result(connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_get_charset(destination[],connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_insert_id(connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_num_rows(connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_num_fields(connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_ping(connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_query(query[],resultid = (-1),extraid = (-1),connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_query_callback(index,query[],callback[],extraid = (-1),connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_real_escape_string(const source[],destination[],connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_reconnect(connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_reload(connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_retrieve_row(connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_set_charset(charset[],connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_stat(const destination[],connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_store_result(connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_warning_count(connectionHandle = 1);

//forward declarations

forward OnQueryFinish(query[], resultid, extraid, connectionHandle);
forward OnQueryError(errorid, error[], resultid, extraid, callback[], query[], connectionHandle);
How can I fix it? It looks fine for me o.O

Re: Can't compile gamemode with mysql - sabretur - 10.01.2012

pawn Код:
#include <mysql>

Re: Can't compile gamemode with mysql - xGoldenx - 10.01.2012

Still the same error.

Re: Can't compile gamemode with mysql - T0pAz - 10.01.2012

Compile it with the PAWNO.exe inside the PAWNO folder of your SCRIPT.

Re: Can't compile gamemode with mysql - sabretur - 10.01.2012

You must compile your script with Pawno, which have all using includes in includes folder.

Re: Can't compile gamemode with mysql - xGoldenx - 10.01.2012

Damn. I clicked twice LPM on the .pwn file and it was opened in another pawno. Sorry for my dumbness ._.