Attach object to vehicle problem - Printable Version
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Attach object to vehicle problem -
Twinki1993 - 07.01.2012
I tried attaching object to a vehicle but without success.
Here's the code.
SignalObj = AttachObjectToVehicle(SignalObj, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
What I am trying to do is that I am trying to attach to vehicle that player is inside. Like if I am inside of some vehicle I can use this. I have whole command made and everything but just this AttachObjectToVehicle ain't working normally
Re: Attach object to vehicle problem -
Virtual1ty - 07.01.2012
Read the what the wiki says, you have to create the object first!
Re: Attach object to vehicle problem -
BlackWolf120 - 07.01.2012
check the parameters of this function again
pawn Код:
AttachObjectToVehicle(objectid, vehicleid, Float:fOffsetX, Float:fOffsetY, Float:fOffsetZ, Float:fRotX, Float:fRotY, Float:RotZ)
Re: Attach object to vehicle problem -
Twinki1993 - 07.01.2012
@Virtual1ty can't you read? I wrote that I made all just I need that fixed. I need that it stacks for EVERY vehicle. I mean if I am in vehicle ID:5 it will add to it. I dont want to add each ID to the script.
I need vehicleid defined somehow... That's what's my main problem
Re: Attach object to vehicle problem -
BlackWolf120 - 07.01.2012
Originally Posted by Twinki1993
@Virtual1ty can't you read? I wrote that I made all just I need that fixed. I need that it stacks for EVERY vehicle. I mean if I am in vehicle ID:5 it will add to it. I dont want to add each ID to the script.
I need vehicleid defined somehow... That's what's my main problem
So what vehicles shall got this object attached?
I dont get u fully atm, sorry
Re: Attach object to vehicle problem -
Virtual1ty - 07.01.2012
You sir, obviously can't read. I just pointed you in the right way, the wiki page explains it all. Also, you can use variables to point to vehicle id's.