onplayerentervehicle - Printable Version
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onplayerentervehicle -
Tanush123 - 07.01.2012
i added
pawn Код:
if(modelid == 481 || 509 || 510) return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"ERROR: You cannot on the engine for a bike");
under my /engine command but for some reason all vehicles shows that message, i did
pawn Код:
new modelid = GetVehicleModel(playerid);
this is my onplayerentervehicle script
pawn Код:
new vid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
new modelid = GetVehicleModel(playerid);
if(modelid == 481 || 509 || 510)
vengine[vid] = 1;
if(vengine[vid] == 0)
SendClientMessage(playerid,lightyellow,"This vehicle engines are off, use /engine to on it");
well i want if the model id is 481 509 510 (bicycles), it
Re: onplayerentervehicle -
BlackWolf120 - 07.01.2012
use it like:
pawn Код:
if(modelid == 481 || modelid == 509 || modelid == /*etc..*/)
Re: onplayerentervehicle - suhrab_mujeeb - 07.01.2012
OnPlayerEnterVehicle is just called before entering the vehicle so GetPlayerVehicleID is useless because at that time that player is outside a vehicle. Try shifting it under ONPlayerStateChange.