Need Help in falling water and .. -
[D]ry[D]esert - 03.01.2012
Hello guys
1-i have Derby GM and i want to make if the player when fall in water died or whatever
can y give me example please
2-i want when player pass through a Pickup with vehicleget money , if its cant be then IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint will may work but how can i do it with Vehicle ?
Sorry for bad Grammer ...
Re: Need Help in falling water and .. -
[D]ry[D]esert - 03.01.2012
No Help D:
Re: Need Help in falling water and .. -
[D]ry[D]esert - 04.01.2012
No one know how to do this ?
AW: Need Help in falling water and .. -
BigETI - 04.01.2012
Get the player height and animation.
Re: AW: Need Help in falling water and .. -
Jochemd - 04.01.2012
Originally Posted by BigETI
Since he is in a vehicle, the player doesn't make a special animation. Also, it will be difficult to detect if the player is in the water using GetPlayerPos since not all water is on the same height (I believe?) and you are sinking.
Re: Need Help in falling water and .. -
[D]ry[D]esert - 07.01.2012
So whats the best way to make it on player fall in water and atleast how to make on veh pass through a pickup or atleast onveh pass through Point Useing
Re: Need Help in falling water and .. -
§с†¶e®РµРe - 07.01.2012
I have a stock
pawn Код:
stock IsPlayerInWater(playerid)
new Float:x,Float:y,Float:pz;
if ((IsPlayerInArea(playerid, 2032.1371, 1841.2656, 1703.1653, 1467.1099) && pz <= 9.0484)
|| (IsPlayerInArea(playerid, 2109.0725, 2065.8232, 1962.5355, 10.8547) && pz <= 10.0792)
|| (IsPlayerInArea(playerid, -492.5810, -1424.7122, 2836.8284, 2001.8235) && pz <= 41.06)
|| (IsPlayerInArea(playerid, -2675.1492, -2762.1792, -413.3973, -514.3894) && pz <= 4.24)
|| (IsPlayerInArea(playerid, -453.9256, -825.7167, -1869.9600, -2072.8215) && pz <= 5.72)
|| (IsPlayerInArea(playerid, 1281.0251, 1202.2368, -2346.7451, -2414.4492) && pz <= 9.3145)
|| (IsPlayerInArea(playerid, 2012.6154, 1928.9028, -1178.6207, -1221.4043) && pz <= 18.45)
|| (IsPlayerInArea(playerid, 2326.4858, 2295.7471, -1400.2797, -1431.1266) && pz <= 22.615)
|| (IsPlayerInArea(playerid, 2550.0454, 2513.7588, 1583.3751, 1553.0753) && pz <= 9.4171)
|| (IsPlayerInArea(playerid, 1102.3634, 1087.3705, -663.1653, -682.5446) && pz <= 112.45)
|| (IsPlayerInArea(playerid, 1287.7906, 1270.4369, -801.3882, -810.0527) && pz <= 87.123)
|| (pz < 1.5)
return 1;
return 0;
stock IsPlayerInArea(playerid, Float:MinX, Float:MinY, Float:MaxX, Float:MaxY)
new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z);
if(X >= MinX && X <= MaxX && Y >= MinY && Y <= MaxY) {
return 1;
return 0;
u can then use
pawn Код:
if(IsPlayerInWater)//ur code
Re: Need Help in falling water and .. -
[D]ry[D]esert - 07.01.2012
not work if i compile it Tell me "Pawn compiler library has Stop working"
Re: Need Help in falling water and .. -
[D]ry[D]esert - 07.01.2012
Re: Need Help in falling water and .. -
§с†¶e®РµРe - 09.01.2012
Show ur code.