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HH cheat question [+rep] - PawnoQ - 02.01.2012


just wondering how to detect godmode/hh (when a player/cheater freezes his health with a cheat tool).

Would a freezed health bar of a cheater decrease if i let to check my script e.g. using a timer like:

pawn Код:
new pHealth = GetPlayerHealth(playerid);
Would it affect a cheaters freezed health?

Re: HH cheat question [+rep] - DarkKillerWithPride<3 - 02.01.2012

yes, just the same as if something script wise happens to a player for example I have a rape function on my server and it effects cheaters health

Re: HH cheat question [+rep] - PawnoQ - 02.01.2012

but bullets and falls and explosions wouldnt affect a freezed health right?
So would explosions etc. be the only way to detect a freezed health bar?

Re: HH cheat question [+rep] - rinori - 02.01.2012

Try to make a system with such stuffs:
- Get player health and armour.
- Teleport the player in 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 (Your choice).
- Create an explosion at the positions above.
- Get the new player health and armour.
- Compare the health checks (the old hp and new one).
- If old hp results same as new hp, ban player.
- If old hp doesnt result as new hp, set player old pos and old hp.
- All this by using variables and a timer function.

Re: HH cheat question [+rep] - Bakr - 02.01.2012

Originally Posted by rinori
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Try to make a system with such stuffs:
- Get player health and armour.
- Teleport the player in 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 (Your choice).
- Create an explosion at the positions above.
- Get the new player health and armour.
- Compare the health checks (the old hp and new one).
- If old hp results same as new hp, ban player.
- If old hp doesnt result as new hp, set player old pos and old hp.
- All this by using variables and a timer function.
That would be more than annoying to be a part of. Simply decrease the player's health by 1 point and compare it to their old health. If it's the same, they're hacking.

Re: HH cheat question [+rep] - PawnoQ - 02.01.2012

thx, but i cant use this method in a timer and check every player like this for godmode...

And yes Bakr, thats what i meant in my fiirst post.
That was the question i wanted to get answered, does a scripted health decreaser(for checking purposes, please check my first post) affect the freezed health of a cheater or not.
If it would affect it this method would be useless...