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Copy over there paste over here. didn't work ugh - Printable Version

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Copy over there paste over here. didn't work ugh - [SP]Mr.Kakashi[WP] - 02.01.2012

I copy the pawno from my RP to my other script (other folder) and paste it there
and today when i compile my RP Gamemode it doesn't read the include. i copy the pawno
and replace it with my Roleplay gamemode but didn't work i try it 10x but nothing happens
any tips? my hand is really tired.

Re: Copy over there paste over here. didn't work ugh - Kaperstone - 02.01.2012

make sure you dont have x2 same folders(include) on your PC (x2 server files)

Re: Copy over there paste over here. didn't work ugh - [SP]Mr.Kakashi[WP] - 02.01.2012

and that what happens until now i cannot figure to fix it

Re: Copy over there paste over here. didn't work ugh - thiaZ_ - 02.01.2012

Be sure to use the right Pawno (or whatever editor your use) from the right path.

Re: Copy over there paste over here. didn't work ugh - [SP]Mr.Kakashi[WP] - 03.01.2012

Like what i say if i add a new include on my copy pawno or remove something it starts to give me an "cannot read from file example "dini"

Re: Copy over there paste over here. didn't work ugh - [SP]Mr.Kakashi[WP] - 03.01.2012

PROBLEM SOLVED i cannot solve it last yesterday i was tired heres what i did
i delete all files inside the pawno then i replace it with ssamp server pack files. then i delete all inside include files i replace it with my RP Include files it worked.