~ Checkpoint Help Please ~ -
theinformer - 28.12.2011
#include <streamer>
new Text:gMyText1;
public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid)
if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[0]){
if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_GANG){
new string[50], i = 30;
while(i >= 0)
format(string, sizeof(string), "CP TIME: %d", i);
TextDrawFont(gMyText1, 1);
TextDrawAlignment(gMyText1, 2);
TextDrawSetShadow(gMyText1, 0);
TextDrawSetString(gMyText1, string);
gMyText1 = TextDrawCreate(280,435,string);
return 1;
It shows "CP TIME:" and then some random letter on top of another letter I think its a bit messy cant really read it off. Any solution why the CP TIME: doesnt go down from 30 seconds?
Re: ~ Checkpoint Help Please ~ -
MP2 - 28.12.2011
You're setting the textdraw's font, alignment and shadow, THEN creating it.
What's the purpose of this code? What is the 30 for?
Re: ~ Checkpoint Help Please ~ -
theinformer - 28.12.2011
I see..
I'm trying to build a countdown Checkpoint. So the checkpoint starts off from 30 and goes down to 0 which is the end point, then call another function from there. But the textdraw is constant some reason..
Re: ~ Checkpoint Help Please ~ -
MP2 - 28.12.2011
In seconds? You need to use a timer. When they enter the checkpoint, start a timer (SetTimerEx) with an interval of 1 second, repeating on. Use a variable to store the timer's ID and kill it when they leave a CP (OnPlayerLeaveDynamicCP) with KillTimer().
pawn Код:
new Text:gMyText1;
new cp_count = 30; // Set to 30 seconds
new cp_timer_id;
public OnGameModeInit()
AddPlayerClass(188, 6, 6, 3, random(360), WEAPON_DEAGLE, 28, WEAPON_M4, 180, WEAPON_GRENADE, 1);
Checkpoint[0] = CreateDynamicCP(-36.5200,-5.2453,3.1094,2,0,0);
return 1;
public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid)
if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[0] && gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_GANG && cp_count == 31)
cp_count--; // Set to 30, this lets you know that the timer is active
gMyText1 = TextDrawCreate(280, 435, "CP TIME: 30");
TextDrawFont(gMyText1, 1);
TextDrawAlignment(gMyText1, 2);
TextDrawSetShadow(gMyText1, 0);
TextDrawSetOutline(gMyText1, 1);
cp_timer_id = SetTimer("cp_timer", 888, true); // Timers are slow, 888 MS is around a second.
public OnPlayerLeaveDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid)
if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[0] && gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_GANG && cp_count < 31)
cp_count = 31; // Set back to 30 so we know it's stopped
return 1;
forward cp_timer();
public cp_timer()
if(cp_count == 0)
// Reached 0, give score or whatever
cp_count = 31; // So we know the timer isn't running
else // Still counting
new tds[32];
format(tds, sizeof(tds), "CP TIME: %i", cp_count);
TextDrawSetString(gMyText1, tds);
return 1;
Please note that this isn't tested, and I'm not sure if it will even compile. It looks fine to me.
Re: ~ Checkpoint Help Please ~ -
theinformer - 28.12.2011
It works but the first time I go on checkpoint the textdraw doesn't show up. But if I leave it then re-enter it then it all works onwards from then. Any solution for this one?
EDIT 2: I can also take the CP while im in a vehicle. How could I disable that?
Re: ~ Checkpoint Help Please ~ -
MP2 - 28.12.2011
Originally Posted by theinformer
I can also take the CP while im in a vehicle. How could I disable that?
Use IsPlayerInAnyVehicle.
Re: ~ Checkpoint Help Please ~ -
theinformer - 28.12.2011
Thanks, And about the other bug which is: it doesnt show textdraw the first time I go on the Checkpoint but when I re-enter it, it shows me the textdraw.
Re: ~ Checkpoint Help Please ~ -
MP2 - 28.12.2011
It works fine for me. Make sure you're using my updated code, there were problems at first.
Re: ~ Checkpoint Help Please ~ -
theinformer - 28.12.2011
Please take a look, I've got the same exact codes.. Also please take notice that I've changed my TEAM_GANG into TEAM_att and possible also changed some defined variables, I.E. the colors.
Re: ~ Checkpoint Help Please ~ -
MP2 - 28.12.2011
Why do you have
pawn Код:
forward OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid);
forward OnPlayerLeaveDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid);
They are forwarded in streamer.inc.