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BIG PROBLEM!! RCON BUG LOGIN! - Printable Version

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BIG PROBLEM!! RCON BUG LOGIN! - Cpt.Shady - 22.12.2011


Hi all.
Got a big problem, namely "rcon login bug".
Get all kinds of children in rcon server logs (although I put a password of 30 tion works, numbers + characters)
The password is very secure with numbers, letters, characters, etc!
The login to rcon and make fools out there, money, etc!
What cause is this bug?
I deleted everything related to "command sent" in FS!

Something in the log: RCON (In-Game) Player # 5 (Kaka) HAS logged.
RCON (In-Game) Player [Kaka] sent command: password fuck


sorry my bad english!

Salutare la toti.
am si eu o mare problema si anume "rcon bug login".
Intra tot felul de copii pe server se logheaza la rcon( desi am pus o parola din 30 litare,cifre+caractere)
Parola este foarte bine securizata cu cifre,litere,caractere,etc!
Se logheaza la rcon si fac prosti pe acolo, ban, etc!
Din ce cauza este acest bug ?
Am sters tot ce tine de "sent command" din FS!

Cate ceva din log: RCON (In-Game): Player #5 (KAKA) has logged in.
RCON (In-Game): Player [KAKA] sent command: password fuck

sugestii ??
pune si parola la server...etc...

Re: BIG PROBLEM!! RCON BUG LOGIN! - coole210 - 22.12.2011

Try kicking players when they try to login to RCON (OnRconLoginAttempt)

Re: BIG PROBLEM!! RCON BUG LOGIN! - Cpt.Shady - 22.12.2011

is already done!
another suggestion? disable rcon commands?

Re: BIG PROBLEM!! RCON BUG LOGIN! - SchurmanCQC - 22.12.2011

you said your password had lots of numbers and letters and punctuation. You did /rcon login fuck

you also never explained what your bug is...

Re: BIG PROBLEM!! RCON BUG LOGIN! - iTorran - 22.12.2011

I think they can login to RCON with whatever password they want (thats the bug)

Re: BIG PROBLEM!! RCON BUG LOGIN! - Tigerkiller - 22.12.2011

ehm using a timer and set the rcon password to another one like
. . .

Re: BIG PROBLEM!! RCON BUG LOGIN! - Cpt.Shady - 23.12.2011

I talk to a friend
".. can check your script has a" door ".. a small command rcon you discover the one who uses"

the Command / timer be?

Re: BIG PROBLEM!! RCON BUG LOGIN! - Tigerkiller - 23.12.2011

only OnRconLoginAttemp is called when he logs in as rcon

now you can make a securtity system
make the rcon only for specific players name only all the other get kicked

Re: BIG PROBLEM!! RCON BUG LOGIN! - Cpt.Shady - 23.12.2011

1) I only know rcon password
2) How can protection, just log on to my name?

Re: BIG PROBLEM!! RCON BUG LOGIN! - Ash. - 23.12.2011

Originally Posted by Cpt.Shady
Посмотреть сообщение
1) I only know rcon password
2) How can protection, just log on to my name?
I'm guessing that you're ingame name is Cpt.Shady, though I could be wrong, but this is just an example:

pawn Код:
public OnRconLoginAttempt(ip[], password[], success)
    if(!sucess) return 1; //If they failed, just ignore it - they can't do anything wrong.
    new pip[16], pName[24];
    for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++) //Loop through all players
        GetPlayerIp(i, pip, sizeof(pip));
        if(!strcmp(ip, pip, true)) //If a player's IP is the IP that logged in
            GetPlayerName(i, pName, 24);
            if(strcmp(pName, "Cpt.Shady")) //Only you
                SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF00FFFF, "You are not Cpt.Shady! Bye.");
    return 1;