Stopcars blowing up -
[LHT]Bally - 20.12.2011
how do i stop the cars setting on fire and blowing up ? instead i would like it to say your vehicle has roken down use /assistance to repair the vehicle
Re: Stopcars blowing up -
AstonDA-G - 20.12.2011
You should check if the vehicle's health is less than so much. If it is, switch the vehicle's engine off, and then switch it back on after you type /assistance or whenever
Re: Stopcars blowing up -
-Rebel Son- - 20.12.2011
pawn Код:
new Float:vHealth;
GetVehicleHealth(vehicleid, vHealth);
if(vHealth < 450)
//engine code here
SendClientMessage(playerid, color, "You car has broken down!");
Re: Stopcars blowing up -
[LHT]Bally - 20.12.2011
i got some code other day by someone and when the vehicle was repaired the engine wasnt switched on
Re: Stopcars blowing up -
AstonDA-G - 20.12.2011
when the vehicle is repaired, put this:
pawn Код:
new vengine,vlights,valarm,vdoors,vbonnet,vboot,vobjective;
That will switch the engine back on
Re: Stopcars blowing up -
-Rebel Son- - 20.12.2011
If you combine AstonDA's code with my mockup, that should do ya.
Re: Stopcars blowing up -
[LHT]Bally - 20.12.2011
anyone have teamviewer to help out ?
Re: Stopcars blowing up -
AstonDA-G - 20.12.2011
Yay, Teamwork :3
Put my code where Rebel wrote '//engine code here' ;d
Re: Stopcars blowing up -
[LHT]Bally - 20.12.2011
but i have a repairall command so how would all this work using my command ? and i have a mechanic class that works off keys like lctrl
Re: Stopcars blowing up -
[LHT]Bally - 20.03.2012
i have tried all this with no joy need some help