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Weather for snow? (rep+) - Printable Version

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Weather for snow? (rep+) - Ballu Miaa - 19.12.2011

Is there any Weather ID , FS , Include or anything which can give me Snow in my server??
What about the Christmas tree?

Please help if you know something


Re: Weather for snow? (rep+) - Hoborific - 19.12.2011

There is no "Weather" for snow by default, but there is a few filterscripts using objects.

Re: Weather for snow? (rep+) - Oh - 19.12.2011

There's no snow weather.

Next time use the search function for the snow filterscript.

Christmas tree, you could search that in the maps section and find it easily.

ohhh to late

Re: Weather for snow? (rep+) - Hoborific - 19.12.2011

For Christmas Trees, Killa[DGZ] had a decent filterscript.