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Some Zcmd Aint working - Printable Version

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Some Zcmd Aint working - Buzzbomb - 19.12.2011

Is there a limit to how many zcmd i can use cause i have About 30 commands and Half of them work the others dont ... IF i move a few then some of them will start working Its Crazy ... Help Please Anyone

Re: Some Zcmd Aint working - Calgon - 19.12.2011

There's no specific limit, but most scripts generally tend to have many more than 30 zcmd commands.

You probably have a command with buggy code in which causes the problem for you.

Re: Some Zcmd Aint working - Buzzbomb - 19.12.2011

Alright I'll go looking Its been Awhile since i messed with the script Might be the bank part i made i'm take it out and see

Re: Some Zcmd Aint working - Buzzbomb - 19.12.2011

It alll looks correct dont see any mistakes.. and the bank cmd wasnt causing it

Re: Some Zcmd Aint working - Wesley221 - 19.12.2011

You might wanna show some of the commands that aint working.