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Objects - Mrki_Drakula - 18.12.2011

Is there any way to make the objects visible all the time? You can actually see in this video. Objects are showing just when you are close to them, every streamer i used did the same, so im actaully asking is there any way to make visible all the time, when you are far away too.


Re: Objects - §с†¶e®РµРe - 18.12.2011

I don't think so

Re: Objects - Gamer_Z - 18.12.2011

there is a variable ViewDistance in CreateObject* , you can higher it to 500.0 (max) [or was it 300 max?...]

Re: Objects - Mrki_Drakula - 18.12.2011

Yeah i know that Gamer_Z, but im not sure will it work for city buildings, roads, etc...lemme check :P
Thanks anyway.

Re: Objects - Mrki_Drakula - 18.12.2011 still disappears when you go a little far away...

Re: Objects - Gamer_Z - 18.12.2011

Originally Posted by Mrki_Drakula
Посмотреть сообщение still disappears when you go a little far away...
well if using CreateObject (not streamer) then it can be just because of your draw distance which is set to low.

Re: Objects - Mrki_Drakula - 18.12.2011

My draw distance is set to 5000000