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Can anyone help me with this dialog? - Printable Version

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Can anyone help me with this dialog? - Danny - 18.12.2011


I'm trying to make this work, but it is returning 0 (Unknown command) all the time! It really annoys me. Can anyone help me?

CMD:desk(playerid, params[])
	if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3.0, 234.3154, 158.6071, 1003.0234)) return SendErrorMessage(playerid,"Om dit command te gebruiken moet u bij de LVPD-balie staan.","To use this command you need to stand at the LVPD-desk.");
	if(PlayerVehicles[playerid][0][IsImpounded]==1){format(normalstring[0], 128,"[Vehicle (0)] Name: %s Numberplate: %s Fee: $500",GetVehicleName(PlayerVehiclesID[playerid][0]),PlayerVehicles[playerid][0][vNumberplate]);}
	if(PlayerVehicles[playerid][1][IsImpounded]==1){format(normalstring[1], 128,"[Vehicle (1)] Name: %s Numberplate: %s Fee: $500",GetVehicleName(PlayerVehiclesID[playerid][1]),PlayerVehicles[playerid][1][vNumberplate]);}
	ShowDialogToPlayer(playerid,66,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"In beslag genomen voertuigen","Impounded vehicles",largestring[0],largestring[0],"Koop terug","Sluiten","Buy back","Close");
	return 1;

Re: Can anyone help me with this dialog? - LiamM - 18.12.2011

pawn Код:
Have you got a define for that? because if not thats where your going wrong, it should be ShowPlayerDialog.