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My 0.3c gates aren't working in 0.3d - Printable Version

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My 0.3c gates aren't working in 0.3d - sherlock - 16.12.2011

I have some gates that open with commands and go up/down or left/right, but with 0.3d they revolve and go in random places.

Re: My 0.3c gates aren't working in 0.3d - xRandomGuy - 16.12.2011

Since there are another three sections you'll need to fill now on 0.3d - rotx, roty and rotz which comes after the speed float and stands for rotations.

Re: My 0.3c gates aren't working in 0.3d - sherlock - 16.12.2011

Hmm thanks so uhm what to put??

Re: My 0.3c gates aren't working in 0.3d - teudan - 16.12.2011

Upgrade your streamer