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[ HELP ] Plugin crashdetect - Printable Version

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[ HELP ] Plugin crashdetect - OFirst - 16.12.2011

--- Crashdetect v3.6.3 loaded
Script[gamemodes\MyMode.amx]: During execution of Itter_OnPlayerConnect():
Script[gamemodes\MyMode.amx]: Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"

/\ DOF2

\/ streamer

Script[gamemodes\MyMode.amx]: During execution of Streamer_OnPlayerConnect():
Script[gamemodes\MyMode.amx]: Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"

Does anyone know fix?

Re: [ HELP ] Plugin crashdetect - BlackWolf120 - 16.12.2011

we need to see the code of ur OnPlayerConnect() callback.