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Script stops (OnPlayerDeath) - Printable Version

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Script stops (OnPlayerDeath) - admantis - 15.12.2011


I have this script:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
    new szWepName[64], szString[128]/*, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:x2, Float:y2, Float:z2*/;
    PlayerSpree[playerid] = 0;
    // ..... a bunch of more code
For some reason, the OnPlayerDeath script stops after "1" is printed. "2" is not printed. I hope you can help me.

Re: Script stops (OnPlayerDeath) - kizla - 15.12.2011

give us variable for Kills

Re: Script stops (OnPlayerDeath) - admantis - 15.12.2011

Originally Posted by kizla
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give us variable for Kills
pawn Код:
Originally Posted by belhot1992
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pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
    new szWepName[64], szString[128]; /*, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:x2, Float:y2, Float:z2*/
    PlayerSpree[playerid] = 0;

    // ..... a bunch of more code
Post more of the code maybe?
I don't think that commenting text in between code is a good idea as well.
The other code is +800 lines. Yet irrevelant since the error is probaby nowhere there since the code stops after "1". Commenting text between code is nothing wrong. And I tried your "new code" it does no difference honestly..

Help, please.

Re: Script stops (OnPlayerDeath) - kizla - 15.12.2011

i really dont now why dosent work...

pawn Код:
PlayerInfo[killerid][Kills] ++;
i have that and works for me fine

p.s he dont need to post all code if "2" isnt printing.

Re: Script stops (OnPlayerDeath) - Lorenc_ - 15.12.2011

Insert your code in this:

pawn Код:

Re: Script stops (OnPlayerDeath) - admantis - 15.12.2011

ty lorenc_

AW: Script stops (OnPlayerDeath) - BigETI - 15.12.2011

The reason is why your script stopped working because if the variable killerid is INVALID_PLAYER_ID then it means that it goes out of bounds from array.

Re: AW: Script stops (OnPlayerDeath) - Joe Staff - 15.12.2011

Originally Posted by BigETI
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The reason is why your script stopped working because if the variable killerid is INVALID_PLAYER_ID then it means that it goes out of bounds from array.
To elaborate, a script halt is the result of an array attempting to reach beyond its boundaries. Reacts equally to 'return 0;'