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[FilterScript] Dynamic organizations - Printable Version

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Dynamic organizations (A.K.A factions) - Jakku - 15.12.2011

- Dynamic organization filterscript -

Hello everyone and good day! I've seen a few users requesting an organization system so I decided to write a simple one!

Information Dini was chosen for file processing because of it's simplicity for beginners.

Originally Posted by Jakku
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v.2 Changelog:
  • CreateOrganizationZone can be used to create coloured "gangzones" for orgs
  • IsPlayerInOrgZone(playerid, orgname)
  • SendClientMessageToOrg(orgname, color, message)
  • Fixed some small bugs, nothing serious
  • Added auto-save for player stats and org. leaders (45sec delay)
  • Added /decline command for leaders to decline incoming requests
  • Added /ochat to chat with other org. members
Creating new organization:

CreateOrganization(name[32], skin, Float:x,Float:y,Float:z, weapon1,ammo1,weapon2,ammo2,weapon3,ammo3)

name - Organization name
skin - Members will spawn with this skin if defined so
x - X- position of HQ
y - Y- position of HQ
z - Z- position of HQ
And the rest are for weapons and ammos

Max orgs are set to 10 as default, if you need more, increase "#define MAX_ORGS"
Creating an organization vehicle:

CreateOrgVehicle(org[], model, Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,Float:rot, clr1,clr2)

org - To which org is the vehicle for
model - vehicle model
x,y,z - spawn position
rot - rotation
clr1, clr2 - colors

Max vehicles per org is 10, if you need more, increase "#define MAX_ORG_VEHICLES"
Creating an organization zone:

CreateOrganizationZone(orgname[32], Float:minx,Float:miny,Float:maxx,Float:maxy, color)

orgname - To which org is the zone for (name)
minx - Min X- coordinate
miny- Min Y- coordinate
maxx - Max X- coordinate
maxy - Max Y- coordinate
color - The color for the gangzone. Recommended to use transparent colors

Max zones per org is 10, if you need more, increase "#define MAX_ZONES_PER_ORG"
Following commands are in use:

/orglist - View a complete list of organizations and their leaders
/myorg - View information about your current org.
/request - Request to join an org
/resign - Leave org.
/org - Will be used at org. HQ, to view information
/ochat - To chat with other members in your org.
/teletohq (Can be disabled, check line 42, which is "#define ENABLE_HQ_TELE")

For leader:
/setmember - Invite a player after (s)he typed /request
/kickmember - Kick a member
/members - View a list of online employees and their ranks
/setrank - Set a rank
/ovrespawn - Respawn all vehicles created for your org.
/decline - Decline an incoming request

For RCON admins:
Download & use

If you have any problems using or installing this script please REPLY here
Pastebin link

Re: Dynamic organizations - SpiderWalk - 15.12.2011

Wow.Cool i like it.It have save system?

Re: Dynamic organizations - Jakku - 15.12.2011

Originally Posted by SpiderWalk
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Wow.Cool i like it.It have save system?
Yes, all player data is being saved to "Orginfo_playername.ini" and org. leaders to "org_leaders.txt"

Re: Dynamic organizations - SpiderWalk - 15.12.2011

Originally Posted by Jakku
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Yes, all player data is being saved to "Orginfo_playername.ini" and org. leaders to "org_leaders.txt"
Its Cool!

Re: Dynamic organizations - xRandomGuy - 16.12.2011

Awesome, thanks.

Re: Dynamic organizations - WarninigGirl - 16.12.2011

Awesome. Really Nice Work

Re: Dynamic organizations - Rafiko - 16.12.2011

add function to create TAG for player.

for example "samplayer" (name of account)

/TagPlayer Samplayer [SAM]

than his name will be changed to "[SAM]Samplayer"

if thats possible it will be great xD

thank you for the HARD and AWESOME job!

Re: Dynamic organizations - Jakku - 16.12.2011

Originally Posted by Rafiko
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add function to create TAG for player.

for example "samplayer" (name of account)

/TagPlayer Samplayer [SAM]

than his name will be changed to "[SAM]Samplayer"

if thats possible it will be great xD

thank you for the HARD and AWESOME job!
Thanks for your suggestion. I appreciate it

AW: Dynamic organizations - BigETI - 16.12.2011
And remove links please

Re: Dynamic organizations - Edvin - 16.12.2011

WOW! Fucking nice dude! I will use it

Re: Dynamic organizations - Rafiko - 16.12.2011

Jakku will u use my suggestion?

cause your dynamic faction system is very very friendly i love the way it works :P

your in my credits, much appreciate your job man xD

EDIT: rep +

AW: Dynamic organizations - BigETI - 16.12.2011

I don't care because you could atleast read the topic and learn before releasing any filterscripts.
(Hot tip: It has something to do with special includes which you are using in your filterscript)

Re: Dynamic organizations - Rafiko - 16.12.2011

BigETI, stop telling ppl how to post their topics.

btw :

this is your topic right? i dont see much diffrence...

Re: Dynamic organizations - TheArcher - 16.12.2011

I appreciate what you do in school lessons . Good job.

Re: Dynamic organizations - Jakku - 16.12.2011

Originally Posted by Rafiko
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BigETI, stop telling ppl how to post their topics.
Indeed. I actually can't see what I have done wrong in this, do you have a some kind of obsession to advertise your "super-great" includes and telling people how to post their topics? Your topics ain't that better, bro

Originally Posted by TheArcher
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I appreciate what you do in school lessons . Good job.
Thank you.

OFFTOPIC: I had finished all other exercises so I had some spare time

AW: Dynamic organizations - BigETI - 16.12.2011

No I meant do atleast
pawn Код:
on top of the includes
if you are using includes such as zcmd or something like that.

I never complained about the main part of this release...

Re: AW: Dynamic organizations - Jakku - 16.12.2011

Originally Posted by BigETI
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No I meant do atleast
pawn Код:
on top of the includes
if you are using includes such as zcmd or something like that.

I never complained about the main part of this release...
And why should I define that? It changes nothing.

Re: Dynamic organizations - Rafiko - 16.12.2011

Okay than i think its alright BigETI, sorry for the comment.

Jakku, will u use my suggestion?

i really want to know xD

tnx again

Re: Dynamic organizations - Jakku - 16.12.2011

Probably, but if this is used in RP- servers, it will be a bit non-rp. But I will consider.

Re: Dynamic organizations - iTorran - 16.12.2011

Pastebin please??
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