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[FilterScript] Ingame NPC maker - my first release after long time :D - Printable Version

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Re: Ingame NPC maker - my first release after long time :D - Red_Ronnie - 01.01.2012


Re: Ingame NPC maker - my first release after long time :D - viddo - 01.01.2012

Originally Posted by ]Kurence[
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i think that it is problem with permissions, that filemanager plugin may not have rights to move these files... it is common problem on vista and win 7
Uhmm so what should i do ?

Re: Ingame NPC maker - my first release after long time :D - ]Kurence[ - 01.01.2012

Originally Posted by viddo
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Uhmm so what should i do ?
try to disable UAC and run samp server as administrator

Re: Ingame NPC maker - my first release after long time :D - InferNus` - 01.01.2012

Originally Posted by InferNus`
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It's Amazing
I'll use it in a Video in my Next ie4mp
Thanks alot.

Re: Ingame NPC maker - my first release after long time :D - viddo - 01.01.2012

Originally Posted by ]Kurence[
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try to disable UAC and run samp server as administrator
UAC = user account control ?

Re: Ingame NPC maker - my first release after long time :D - ]Kurence[ - 02.01.2012

fu*k windows 7, use XP omg

Re: Ingame NPC maker - my first release after long time :D - xRandomGuy - 02.01.2012

I'm using Windows seven and it works perfectly.

Re: Ingame NPC maker - my first release after long time :D - Makaevil - 02.01.2012

Works on W7 testet it myself aswell, and just a perfect Script to make movies with and such great work man thanks

Re: Ingame NPC maker - my first release after long time :D - ]Kurence[ - 03.01.2012

Originally Posted by viddo
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Didn't work lol
then you did something wrong:
Originally Posted by Makaevil
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Works on W7 tested it myself aswell, and just a perfect Script to make movies with and such great work man thanks

Re: Ingame NPC maker - my first release after long time :D - gyga - 03.01.2012

Don't work on LINUX.Can you make it to work on Linux?


Re: Ingame NPC maker - my first release after long time :D - ]Kurence[ - 03.01.2012

it works on linux, i have it on my server...

Re: Ingame NPC maker - my first release after long time :D - Csi - 04.01.2012

nice job , Keke <3

Re: Ingame NPC maker - my first release after long time :D - ]Kurence[ - 04.01.2012

lol i have never thought that people will like this so much, thanks

Re: Ingame NPC maker - my first release after long time :D - viddo - 05.01.2012

ok so i managed to get it recording but when it finishes it says that my bot logs in and then quits at the same time.

Re: Ingame NPC maker - my first release after long time :D - ]Kurence[ - 05.01.2012

are you sure that filemanager has moved the recording file from scriptfiles to npcmodes/recordings?

Re: Ingame NPC maker - my first release after long time :D - viddo - 05.01.2012

Nope not sure XDDD

Re: Ingame NPC maker - my first release after long time :D - ]Kurence[ - 05.01.2012

then filemanager is installed wrong, what do you have in server.cfg?
there should be "plugins FileManager.dll" or plugins ""
.dll on windows and .so on linux

Re: Ingame NPC maker - my first release after long time :D - Young_Khalifa - 05.01.2012

Nice Work ill definitely try this out

Re: Ingame NPC maker - my first release after long time :D - jason331 - 06.01.2012

nice one

Re: Ingame NPC maker - my first release after long time :D - ]Kurence[ - 07.01.2012

i have updated installation instructions, try it again if it didn't work for you